How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Are they on a medicated food none of the issues unless your medicate them from another
vet? then maybe and do not her with your flock till your are sure she is stress related or
cleared by a vet
not medicated feed, just the regular feed given to everyone else. Only med is VetRx rub on comb and beak as the DYROMICN is for 16wk and younger for layers as it can be harmful to them laying. She's still congested and sneezing only once or twice a day. Drinking the layer boost water now (electrolytes and omega 3) so that may help as well.
thank you. One of the golden laced Wyandottes has been congested since bringing her home-on VetRx. They came from warm GA so it's an adjustment. OK so what to do about testing the eggs? We've held them apart, we've got 13 now. Should we or do we have to test them before adding to our basket each day? Since they are from different flock.
The eggs should be fine to eat from the beginning of the quarantine. The quarantine is to make sure they are not sick, so they can't infect your current flock of chickens. The only reason to not eat the new eggs would be if they were being medicated with something that carries over into the eggs and is harmful to humans if eaten. Go ahead, enjoy those eggs!!
The eggs should be fine to eat from the beginning of the quarantine.   The quarantine is to make sure they are not sick, so they can't infect your current flock of chickens.  The only reason to not eat the new eggs would be if they were being medicated with something that carries over into the eggs and is harmful to humans if eaten.  Go ahead, enjoy those eggs!!
karen!! You made my day. Thank you much. I was afraid wed have to get them tested somewhere before. But both places they 3 came from are NPIP and ai certified.

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