How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have faverolles too. They are the sweetest, cutest things ever. I wouldn't say mine are clumsy, but they are diffidently at the bottom of the pecking order. :)
Mine are the oldest so they are not at the bottom but I definitely won’t be adding more while I have more active breeds! They wouldn’t stand a chance that’s for sure.
11 today. I’ve actually been home a couple days but been catching up on what I missed while vacationing. The old girls averaged about 10/day while we were gone with a crazy broody on the nest. Chicken expansion is going full speed ahead again. So far I’ve been sourcing free stuff and stuff I’ve already got lying around. It’s about time to start buying fencing. Yikes! Not ready for that bill. The chickens will love it though!

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