How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Still stuck at 2/15 -- but three of the non-laying girls were seriously checking out the nest boxes today (and have been squatting forever, lol) so here's hoping for tomorrow, lol
5/ from a first timer, our Cuckoo Marans...hope the eggs get darker, this one was almost tan.

Edited to add: Been staying pretty steady at 4 or 5 out of 19, but for some reason the Red Sex Links haven't laid in 4 days. If they were still "on" there would have been 8 or 9 out of 19. In the meantime the layers are all over the day 3 EE and a BO, the next day 2 BO and 1 EE.....Heat? Or is this just something I should expect at the beginning?
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5 Chicken egg's found

Had a predator come around last night and I don't know if that was the problem or it was the crows as I found a crow in the chicken coop and one egg did have a hole in it .....

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