How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I do not want to talk about it.
Hi, COChix.

We have four Black Australorps who were hatched in mid-April. I did notice late yesterday afternoon that two of them were becoming more adventurous and walked out of the run roughly 5 or 6 feet. I would suspect they were getting stir crazy hanging out in the coop all day for two straight days. The other two were not about to come down. My guess is once they get used to it and become stir crazy enough, the snow won't be so bad for them :)

I think your onto something, necessity will dictate them going outside more and more as they get adjusted. Was out at the coop about 30 minut s ago, changing up some of our covers over windows etc., and I broke down and tossed in a heat lamp as it was -1 in the coop. Figured better do it now before this hits us as predicted by Accuweather....winter weather advisory, wind chill in morning hours will be -10 to -20 :eek:. That is pretty cold for November in Colorado.

Today egg count sits at 17/23 but might get one or two more before night.

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