How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

We had five leghorns and two delaware hens all about laying age two leghorns were laying. So far that i know of and the got one of the ones i believe was laying this morning, i one got one egg so i assuming she was. They just all hit the laying age the delawares are a week or two younger so they should start soon same with the other three leghorns if the one that was killed was a layer.

Well when thoses leghorns start laying you'll have eggs coming out of your ears. I have one and she's laid an egg ever day since she started except for the day after she laid a double yolker.
Lol cant wait, my husband normally hates eggs and the eggs ours have produced are the only ones he likes. Plus i have several family members wanting some.
We had our first 4 egg day today! Wyandottes were born 4/1 and all but two are laying. The funny thing- one will not lay in the egg box! It's either in the run or in the floor of the coop. And today, the other three that layed all used the same egg box! Silly girls!
We had our first 4 egg day today! Wyandottes were born 4/1 and all but two are laying. The funny thing- one will not lay in the egg box! It's either in the run or in the floor of the coop. And today, the other three that layed all used the same egg box! Silly girls!

Mine all like to use the same box. They form a line and squawk. If I see a line I just pop in and stuff them in a box. Most of the time they just stay there and lay an egg, other times they jump right back out and tell me how they really feel lol. It's like they can see the other 4 boxes.

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