How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


10 eggs

4 eggs from the control group chickens

6 eggs from the free range chickens

I have two EE hens sitting on the same nest as I keep removing the third lady every day and this evening I see she is now just watching off to the side
silly girl .....

Temp is staying at a steady 114F degrees ..

Lost my baby girl turkey at 13 weeks of age
and she looked so healthy .
Aww, that's too bad! Did the heat get her or was it something else? I'm so sorry to hear you lost your turkey.
Don't your silly hens know that it is WAY TOO HOT to sit on/in the same nest box!! Silly girls.

7 eggs so far account for at least 9 of my girls (my dark brown hasn't laid and one of my tan layers is broody).

But I need help. I have 1 pullet I have not been able to confirm an egg from. She's an Easter Eggers (ameraucana) she's been big and red well over a month, has a 3 finger spacing and her vent is moist. She never laid a small egg but she was confirmed active before any of the other pullers. I was getting a pale cream for a little bit but haven't see that egg in a while, I seem to be getting more large greens then normal. I only have 1 hen that lays green before the pullets and she usually lays about every other day or so, but I haven't seen either her or this one in the boxes in a while so I don't know which is laying when.

Heres the most recent pic (I never got one of the cream eggs) do these 5 look like they could be from the same girl? Or 2 girls? (Note the second from the left was a day or 2 after some of the chickens got cheetos)

Different lighting

I have 10 potential layers of 12 total girls. 6 older 6 younger
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well in Sunny but mild Washington STATE that is... had 5/5 plus 4 pullets chimed in
today made landing strips on front of the upper boxes
I'm up to 8 eggs/day from 14 5month old hens. Some come in to the coop and sit on the nest box for 10 minutes, lay an egg and go out. Others sit for 2 hours. I'm still trying to figure out which ones haven't layed yet. My 2 Buff Orpingtons are the best . I get a giant brown egg from each one. Last week, one had a triple yolk! I have 2 nest boxes so the girls line up and squawk atwhoever is using the nest to hurry up. I added another nest today. Every day is a surprise. They're so much fun.
Night check. No more eggs total 7 (my first over my original 6). Physical checks conclude 11 possible of 12, all 3 finger width or more, comb color moderate to dark on all 6 of the young pullets, only vent checked 1 (the one I haven't confirmed an actual egg from) open round and moist.

So from the looks of it I have 6 1 year+ laying hens, 4 laying 22 weeks, and 1 laying 17 weeks and 1 not laying 17 weeks.

9 eggs

3 eggs from the control group

6 eggs from the free range chickens
I do believe that the male turkeys sitting in the chicken house is making a difference in the eggs safety as the crows seem to be intimated by the bigger birds and the funny part is the turkeys are so docile .

@karenerwin , the ladys just pile in and try to give her more eggs every day and I need to check on them as their body core temperature is 106F degrees and with all them jumping into the same box is so very dangers as I have lost hens in the manner so I have to pick them out of the box and there are three open boxes but the girls insist on this box for some reason ... Chickens are just social animals and prefer to share then to be alone in their own box ...

9 eggs

3 eggs from the control group :pop

6 eggs from the free range chickens :love    I do believe that the male turkeys sitting in the chicken house is making a difference in the eggs safety as the crows seem to be intimated by the bigger birds and the funny part is the turkeys are so docile .

, the ladys just pile in and try to give her more eggs every day and I need to check on them as their body core temperature is 106F degrees and with all them jumping into the same box is so very dangers as I have lost hens in the manner so I have to pick them out of the box and there are three open boxes but the girls insist on this box for some reason ... Chickens are just social animals and prefer to share then to be alone in their own box ...    
Hope you are well and get a break in the heat soon. I don't know how you stand it. Hats off to ya! Looking first shade myself it we get 80 here.

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