How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Show us a photo of the barred OE you talk of please
there she is, not the best pic


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Not sure of her breeding but could not she the puffs EE and EO are thrown about so much and look so different hard to tell anymore even if my Marans cockerel breeds my EO they are Barnyard mutts
so are you going to have move for the new job?
No no will actually be working from home with a bit of travel the next couple of months then very occasional during the season. Couldn't find a more perfect job being able to set my own hours for the most part and just be available to answer the phone at any time (get a day off a week).
Bonjour PouleChick! Sorry to hear you don’t feel well. (Whatever creeping crud is floating around is visiting my house today too...) The blue egg is from my eight-month old Easter Egger, Bertha. From the very first, her eggs have been large and that beautiful blue.
I'm just amazed - really hoping that I get some bigger blue eggs from my EE's (mutts??) that I'll breed from her / her brother!
Hope you feel better soon and safe travels.
Thank you - if I'm still feeling bad I'll leave a bit early and make sure I stop 1/2 way and have a little nap - it is only 3 hours away so not too bad and still 2 days away!
You think? You didn’t count them?
I've been a bit out of it - 4 nights with LO waking 3 or 4 times lik,e a newborn (he was in pain with tummy cramps), then I was really sick, first gastro on Tuesday and now a chest infection type thing so may have counted and forgotten or may have just eyeballed and guessed - who knows :lau:lau:lau

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