How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

27 yesterday. My turkeys are taking turns sitting on eggs and looking after babies.
I still haven't found any turkey eggs :barnieI'm beginning to think she isn't laying any. :idunno

Got another 16 eggs today. Pulled 2 of the 8 eggs out of the incubator. 1 looked like a clear (and it is a small egg, so probably from a new layer) the other one looked like it stopped on day 2 or something.
It's been thundering and lightening for a while now, but I finally hear the rain falling.
Got a lot of work done around here today. Tomorrow I have a graduation party to go to but otherwise I hope to get more yard work done.
25 chicken and 3 quail! Today was the day I decided to cull extra males and lo and behold, they have started laying :wee

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