How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Got 6 eggs today. Last week it was zero eggs. They lay every day all Spring, Summer & Fall...they deserve a well earned break, especially when molting, I do not use lights to encourage egg laying.

Mine have been molting for months & some are just finishing up, with new feathers sprouting & looking good, but I have 40 birds, different breeds & it's interesting to see how different breeds molt differently. Some shed feathers fast with embarrassing nakedness & others molt so slowly they never look bare at all.

All are fed higher protein feed to help with feather growth, I switchback to layer feed Christmas, all hens take a break laying the Fall months for a bit. Now the days are getting longer & my Marans are laying big, beautiful, dark, brown eggs. A few Easter Eggers are laying lovely blue green eggs.

Catching up later will be the RIRs, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons & ISA Browns as many are only 4 mos old right now. Some seniors may or may not lay, some do, ya never know. It's all good.

I see less loose feathers when I clean overall, so molt is about done.

We are looking forward to Spring. We've had lots of rain in Dec., pens are sloppy, will scoop poop & add more mulch bark chips in pens hopefully Monday. The inside coops are nice & clean & dry. Cleaning poop under night perches 20 min every morning is well worth it. 👌

Love my flock! ❤ 🐔


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Got 6 eggs today. Last week it was zero eggs. They lay every day all Spring, Summer & Fall...they deserve a well earned break, especially when molting, I do not use lights to encourage egg laying.

Mine have been molting for months & some are just finishing up, with new feathers sprouting & looking good, but I have 40 birds, different breeds & it's interesting to see how different breeds molt differently. Some shed feathers fast with embarrassing nakedness & others molt so slowly they never look bare at all.

All are fed higher protein feed to help with feather growth, I switchback to layer feed Christmas, all hens take a break laying the Fall months for a bit. Now the days are getting longer & my Marans are laying big, beautiful, dark, brown eggs. A few Easter Eggers are laying lovely blue green eggs.

Catching up later will be the RIRs, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons & ISA Browns as many are only 4 mos old right now. Some seniors may or may not lay, some do, ya never know. It's all good.

I see less loose feathers when I clean overall, so molt is about done.

We are looking forward to Spring. We've had lots of rain in Dec., pens are sloppy, will scoop poop & add more mulch bark chips in pens hopefully Monday. The inside coops are nice & clean & dry. Cleaning poop under night perches 20 min every morning is well worth it. 👌

Love my flock! ❤ 🐔
Send a pic of those gorgeous eggs please . I love the Maran ones.
I agree on perches cleaning makes it easy.
Still, 3 out of 7 laying is not bad!

This thread popping back up made me take a peek at my “first egg” photos from past years to see when I shall be expecting them. Last year, the first egg was found on February 8th, but that was from either Matilda or Puddles. Puddles is no longer with us and Tildy is a year older. I’d say I still have at least 2 months of store-bought eggs in my future, at which point Tildy will jump in and start to contribute 1 egg per day until her slacker sisters start to lay starting maybe the last week in March or beginning of April.
My pullets are 4.5 months old, so don’t anticipate eggs for awhile yet- end of Feb at the earliest I think. I did water glass about 9 dozen eggs from last year- will do it again this year too. Has saved me a bundle on bought eggs. i had several issues, though. Anybody familiar?
2-3 eggs a day from 12 layers. The two Wyandottes and one Buff Orpington are the only remaining contributors. Had to crack open the first water glassing jar yesterday to make breakfast since we have guests.
How did your water glassing go? Can we talk? A couple of egg shells cracked and left a horrific smell, but when tested, the remaining eggs are good. The whites are pretty thin- these are about 11 months old, so I only use them to scramble or bake whole. Can’t seem To separate eggs without breaking yolk. there was some white sediment at the bottom of the jar- is that normal?

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