How many eggs is unhealthy?

Eating too much saturated fat can cause high cholesterol.

That's total and complete crap. I can bore you with the details if you are interested
I was told by my doctor that if you increase exercise it will bring up good Ch. I did that about 3 weeks before I had to give bloo for my life insurance and it went up alot by just increasing my work outs to 5 times a week from 4.
Bore us, we need some boring.....but true.....information to counteract the sales techniques of big pharma and the mega-corporations.

Meanwhile, pass the butter.....
I've come to believe that if any foods have anything to do with raising cholesterol and making us unhealthy in general, it's the myriad of FAKE foods and ingredients we ingest. It's why when we discovered that margarine was one molecule (or thereabouts) from plastic, we went to real, honest to goodness butter.
Here's a quick video

More stuff...
"As the Surgeon General's Office discovered, however, the science of dietary fat is not nearly as simple as it once appeared. The proposition, now 50 years old, that dietary fat is a bane to health is based chiefly on the fact that fat, specifically the hard, saturated fat found primarily in meat and dairy products, elevates blood cholesterol levels. This in turn raises the likelihood that cholesterol will clog arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis, which then increases risk of coronary artery disease, heart attack, and untimely death. By the 1970s, each individual step of this chain from fat to cholesterol to heart disease had been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt, but the veracity of the chain as a whole has never been proven. In other words, despite decades of research, it is still a debatable proposition whether the consumption of saturated fats above recommended levels (step one in the chain) by anyone who's not already at high risk of heart disease will increase the likelihood of untimely death (outcome three). Nor have hundreds of millions of dollars in trials managed to generate compelling evidence that healthy individuals can extend their lives by more than a few weeks, if that, by eating less fat (see sidebar on p. 2538). To put it simply, the data remain ambiguous as to whether low-fat diets will benefit healthy Americans. Worse, the ubiquitous admonishments to reduce total fat intake have encouraged a shift to high-carbohydrate diets, which may be no better--and may even be worse--than high-fat diets.

Since the early 1970s, for instance, Americans' average fat intake has dropped from over 40% of total calories to 34%; average serum cholesterol levels have dropped as well. But no compelling evidence suggests that these decreases have improved health. Although heart disease death rates have dropped--and public health officials insist low-fat diets are partly responsible--the incidence of heart disease does not seem to be declining, as would be expected if lower fat diets made a difference. This was the conclusion, for instance, of a 10-year study of heart disease mortality published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1998, which suggested that death rates are declining largely because doctors are treating the disease more successfully. AHA statistics agree: Between 1979 and 1996, the number of medical procedures for heart disease increased from 1.2 million to 5.4 million a year. "I don't consider that this disease category has disappeared or anything close to it," says one AHA statistician.

Meanwhile, obesity in America, which remained constant from the early 1960s through 1980, has surged upward since then--from 14% of the population to over 22%. Diabetes has increased apace. Both obesity and diabetes increase heart disease risk, which could explain why heart disease incidence is not decreasing. That this obesity epidemic occurred just as the government began bombarding Americans with the low-fat message suggests the possibility, however distant, that low-fat diets might have unintended consequences--among them, weight gain. "Most of us would have predicted that if we can get the population to change its fat intake, with its dense calories, we would see a reduction in weight," admits Harlan. "Instead, we see the exact opposite.""

sugar is much more closely correlated to health and longevity than are cholesterol levels. Yet everyone is focused on cholesterol. Why? Because the drug companies want us to be focused on cholesterol. The pharmaceutical industry has brainwashed the public and, even worse, has brainwashed most of the doctors out there"
More details....
"...these low-fat/low-carb diet trials, of which there are now more than half a dozen, test American Heart Association (A.H.A.) relatively low-fat diets against Atkins-like high-saturated-fat diets.

In this last test, the A.H.A. diet was about 30 percent calories from fat, less than 10 percent calories from saturated fat; the low-carb diet was almost 40 percent calories from fat, around 12.5 percent saturated fat. In this particular trial, as in all of them so far, the high-saturated-fat diet (low-carb or Atkins-like) resulted in the best improvement in cholesterol profile — total cholesterol/H.D.L. In this Israeli trial, the high-saturated-fat diet reduced L.D.L. at least as well as the did the A.H.A. relatively low-fat diet, the fundamental purpose of which is to lower L.D.L. by reducing the saturated fat content. "

And a really cool experiment done up in Canada earlier this year....
". It was thought that an increase in fat would lead to high cholesterol which is associated with heart disease. When the studies were actually done on this, however, much to everyone’s surprise, the opposite happened. People on a low-carb diet improved their cholesterol readings even when they increased their fat intake and even when their intake of saturated fat (the so-called bad fat) increased. It appears that when you body must rely on fat for energy, the saturated fat you eat gets burned up before it can cause any harm. Another factor that plays a role in heart disease is the level of inflammation in our system. If the markers of inflammation are high we recognize this as a sign of increased risk of heart disease. We commonly order a C-reactive protein test, a marker of inflammation in the blood, to assess a person’s risk. A recent study showed that people on a low-carb diet demonstrated significantly reduced inflammatory markers."
If your skin starts to become yolk colored, you might want to cut back on egg consumption. Until that happens, eat all you want. Eggs don't increase cholesterol. Reducing carb intake and increasing exercise helps more than anything you can do.
I am glad that I found this thread. I recently had some lab tests done, and my total cholesterol level was 205. That is not too significant although doctors like for it to be below 200. However, back in May (before I had chickens) when I had the same test done; my cholesterol level was 181. The only logical explanation for that much of an increase is eating lots of eggs. I am in good health, and I would like to stay that way. At this rate in a year or so I am afraid to think what my cholesterol level will be. Therefore, as much as I like eating eggs, I have decided to cut back on my egg consumption.

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