How many here are actual backyarders vs. Farmers?

I'm a backyarder
I am a backyarder inside the city limit. I am located in a sub-division. I have about 20 hens.

I really want some acreage where I can see any other houses, or I want an apartment in downtown Seattle.
Backyarder in farm country.


We have a rooster and a hen, Egyptian Feroumis, that are on the endangered list and are rare that we'd like to breed. So far, they don't seem interested. Maybe next year.
Farmer (actualy Rancher...
) We live on about 2,000 acres out in the Texas Panhandle. It's very private, the closest neighbor is about 3-4 miles away. You cannot see their house for our way!

I can have all the chooks I want without anyone telling me to get rid of them...okay just about anyone!

We raise cows, we of course have quite a few horses. Milkcows of course, and of course I raise chickens/guineas/peafowl etc.
Some people freak out when they come to our ranch, b/c it's so out in the country, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
They can't understand why on earth we want to live out in the middle of nowhere (the boonies)..what I can't understand is how they can possibly live in the city?

~ Aspen
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