how many laying hens to get 2 dozen eggs a day


15 Years
Jul 3, 2008
i know they dont all lay everyday. right now i have 19 laying and im getting 13-17 eggs a day. i want to get a even 2 dozen a day. for my egg selling and personal use. so how many more would i need.
15 more is my guess...
The OP is probably looking for a average, if she needs to have 2 doz a day regularly she will need to old back a couple days to balance out. But 40 hens is a good number for layers and should take care of her needs, she can always feed back the extras to the layers.
Breed is very important. ISA Browns lay about 6-7 eggs a week every week, but most dual purpose about 3-4 eggs a week. We have about 30 ISA's and get about 25-28 eggs a day.
I was going to say that it depends on the breed... I have BO mixes, and they are pretty regular with one a day, so if I had 24 of the same hens, I'd be pretty on target!! lol I'm hoping with an eventual count of laying hens at 18-20 that I'll average a dozen a day. Taking that number, I'd think you'd need at least 30 to expect to get 2 doz/day.

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