How many of you have your chicks in your house?

I do. I have some older chicks outside, but I have 3 Buff Orpingtons and 3 EE's inside in the laundry room. The EE's go outside next Sunday. The BO's a week after that. I'm ready! lol So dusty.
At present I only have 14 serama chicks inside I have a few in my shed/barn
8 at last count
I have 18 in the basement right now, 4 Barred Rocks, 4 Buf Orps, 4 Speckled Sux, 2 GLW, 2 Slw, 2 EE. I was going to get 6 this year, But after the fox attack, I kinda went overboard.
My 11 yr old and I built a very cool brooder box 2'W X 4'L with sides 2'H....and we put shavings in the bottom, plugged in the heat lamp....and went on our way to pick up our chicks! When we returned home, our box was not even remotely warm enough so in the house they came....make shift brooder out of a couple of cardboard boxes on my dining room table for a couple of days and then moved to the corner of the living room. A few days ago, we moved the brooder box into my living room. I thought keeping baby chicks in your house until they were at least of few weeks old....WAS NORMAL!!! I thought I was being the odd ball and trying to put them on my porch. (Note....I DID NOT want them on the porch, I just knew that my husband did not want them in the house) Thanks to mother nature and living in NH, I got my wish and have them in my house! WOOHOO!
So what is the spare bedroom for if not for my 17 babies!!!!!

Trying to save money by repurposing and getting free stuff since I only intend to have them in the brooder for 4-6 weeks.

I started with 8 chicks then chicken math hit.

I started with them in washer and dryer 'stands' the drawers that go under they are about 4 square foot and I had 2 of them which met the 1/2 square foot per 1-3 week chick.

Don't worry they were new and not under washer and dryers.

But then I wanted to combine broods and offer more space so...

I got an entertainment center from craigslist freecycle. After removing the shelves, and laying down on the ground it is 4x6 and 2' deep. They love it and now have lots of zoomies!!!

I'm fortunate my husband doesn't think it is gross, he's the one that brought home the second set of chicks.
I so agree with Prairie Wolf. I had 1 and 1/2 baths now 1. I'll use it. It's an interesting thing having an audience. My husband is to embarrassed. I love listening to them peeping at night. They sound like they're saying goodnight. Just like the Waltons.
Just one last observation--what is NORMAL, anyway? I am old enough now that if it feels like my own Personal Normal, then it is okay for me. I have decided that doing only 'normal' things is boring and being normal is highly overated. As long as what I do does not break the law, is not a sin, and doesn't harm anyone else, what do I care if I 'appear' normal in the eyes of others???

I have had more pleasure out of having six little chicks in my formerly spotless house for six weeks, than anything I have done in years. How can that be wrong?
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We've got 7 Dom X chicks in a rubbermaid brooder in our bathroom that hatched on Wednesday (our first chicks from our very own chickens
) Before that there were 5 RIR chicks that just got moved out, & my 2 Seramas stayed inside at night all winter long.



And of course we occassionally keep a baby goat inside, not to mention my pig that stayed in the house until she was about 5 mos old. I think our bathroom has pretty much become the "nursery"

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