How many parrots do you have?


Oscar the Grouch, the World's noisest Orange Winged Amazon


Zombie Cockatiel-the living dead. This bird came to me 15 years ago, deaf, blind, and bald. He is still deaf, blind but not as bald. Yes, he lives a good life. He lives alone but does climb around and is totally in love with his rope toy.
Right now I only have the little guys. Six parakeets, one peach-faced lovebird that thinks I'm her mate, one peach-faced lutino pied baby lovie, four blue black-masked lovies (a proven pair and two 4 week babies) and 12 canaries (two mated pairs and eight babies). When they get going, my home is so noisy but I really love it.


This is Cleo and Gus.
He got into the still wet wood blocks I was drying for his toys... food coloring+ feathers = one very guilty bird. He's right footed so he holds stuff with the foot he is picking his nose with. Took about 2 months to get all the color out. LOL
May God bless you for your kindness and compassion to care for a special needs bird!!!!!!!

Your kind words are greatly appreciated.
I have a sun conure, Laka, who usually likes me but gets kinda bitey. And a cocketiel named Greylock, who for three years I thought was a male. Then he laid a couple eggs, so... she's mean, too.
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Morning all.. I currently am owned by a female Goffins (Peaches)and a pair of Blue and Gold macaws (Lucy and Jack)
. Got to Love these guys. Made the mistake years ago The goffins never was caged so she thinks she owns the house. controls the cats and runs the puppy around. the macaws are a trip they carry on conversations. jack will answer the phone kinda confusing for the people on the other end. close friends figured it out.

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