How many people eat there chickens on this form

Beekissed said it best. Yes we care for our birds and give them the best life possible. When it comes time they are butchered in a humane way. I bury the entrails in my greenhouse - they make wonderful fertilizer. That being said, I seldom eat my layers. Just the birds that have been bred and raised specifically for meat. And the spare roosters.
I'm quoting myself because I want to qualify it by saying that we may one day process our own birds, but we will have designated meat birds and keep them at arms length and know from the time they hatch, they are destined for the freezer. Humane life, humane death.

I have no problem with that, just haven't done it yet. My main goal in keeping hens was for layers, period.
Very well said!

and Redhen:

keep them at arms length and know from the time they hatch, they are destined for the freezer. Humane life, humane death.

This is what I do with my laying hens. Sounds cold, but it's what I have to do. We pressure can them. It tenderizes them nicely.
It's strange...but I don't normally have to keep mine at arm's length to be able to raise them, love them, enjoy them....and then process them. Yeah, it seems to hurt a little more if/when I have to kill a chicken that I really like, but I go into the whole process knowing that will happen one day.

So I enjoy each day they are alive, feel some sadness when their life is at an end and go about my business.

It really is a model for life and helps one develop coping skills if it is approached in this manner. Just like giving the kids a dog when they are little, knowing that one day the dog will die and the kid will still be alive to feel the sorrow of its passing. Does that keep you from buying the dog? Probably not. Everyone eventually learns the fact of life is that it ends for us all. No exceptions.
Yea that's us to. They're pets all their life. And when I butcher its a little harder. I do admit to one black copper marans hen that I can't bring myself to butcher. She hasent laid in forever! But I really enjoy her. She's going through a hard molt right now so I'm hopeing for some eggs after that. Even if she doesn't I don't think 'Kate' will ever see the knife.
I have not yet, but I do intend to eventually. I did have to cull two injured hens that was traumatic emotionally for me, and I learned from both of the mercy killings. I am working on a new plan for raising dual purpose for meat. I will have to do it on my own as my husband will have no part of it.
I planned to raise 13 chicks that I hatched for meat. However, 1 died and 8 escaped after my dog dug under the chicken coop. Now I have four left and I am not sure I can actually kill them. I may butcher my loud and mean rooster if one of my younger ones is quieter and nicer. Then again, I may not have the guts or the nerve to kill any of them. ew
We are currently raising DP & some meaties. We decided to do some meaties to fill the freezer til spring as our DP's just aren't there yet. We are building a flock that will be able to sustain for the long run. I do love my layers as they are giving me eggs now, next year they will give me new little one's as well. We will have xtra roos & a few extra hens as well.
Now with this being said part of animal husbandry is taking good care of your animals with proper food, clean water,secure place to roost. They will take care of you in the end. Each of my chickens mean alot to me. I first read this here but have said it many times since my chickens are given the best chicken life possible til that one last day they didn't. They are processed with dignity. Their lives mean something to my family.
Many have separated themselves from the reality of where their food comes from, but have never considered how those animals were treated in their short lives much less the lack of dignity they were processed with. You only have to look at youtube for some of those examples, which is quite sad & disturbing to me.
We each make decisions in our lives about how we go about treating the animals in our care each has a purpose how you embrace it or let it go is your choice. But for those of us who eat meat give that animal the dignity it richly deserves & thanks to God for providing for us as well as he does.

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