How many people on here suffer from Acid Reflex?

Oh yea.
God loves us and gave us ginger. Candied goes down easier... it won't taste so much like soap.
I am used to it now and just chew it raw.

I had the cardiac work up and the receding gum lines and the pealing lips and the heartburn that peels your tongue. then I googled all of the symptoms and up came all celiac sites. I gave up the wheat, and all is well.
When I cheat, it all comes back. Then it takes months to go away again. I take B2 to help the endothelial cells to heal up, and double up my will power. but oh, do I miss soft chewy bread.
But I do not miss the acid reflux.

read up on celiacs or even wheat allergies, and see if it fits.
I hope this helps.
Yes, the caffeine in coffee, tea, and sodas esp. Mt Dew (which has one of the highest caffeine contents). Sleeping propped on pillows doesn't help because you upper body is bent at an angle. Try the blocks under the headboard and it puts your whole body slightly upright.
Yes Ginger, I had AR for several years..finally got rid of it...........along with my gall bladder. After having it removed, I have never had another episode..of course after the fact, the Dr. thought one was triggering the other..keep an eye on it..a blood test will show acute gall bladder problems.
Wow, I'm glad to see I am not alone. I have AR and DH and I argue over it constantly. I tend to over sleep because I can't sleep from the discomfort. I was taking Zantac and DH wanted me to get off the meds thinking I was suffering from the "rebound effect." Now, I am just plain suffering. My medical history includes 3 rough pregnancies where I had hyperemisis (in layman's terms, sever, uncontrollable vomiting that causes dehydration and malnutrtion.) I spent 3 months in the hospital when I was pregnant with my second child. I was put on a coctail of drugs to heal my esophegus and cut down the stomach acid. That was 12 years ago. I have mentioned the AR to my Dr in recent years and he blows it off and put me on Zantac. I don't want to see a specialist because I don't want invasive tests done. I am sure my diaphram is not closing all the way and alowing the acid to come up and I feel that my troubled pregnancies were the start off it all. I don't need a Dr to tell me "lose 20lbs, cut out the caffine, spicey and acidic foods and sleep upright."
I know all of this and agree with the OP that there should be something better than Rx meds to take care of it. I have tried ginger, pepermint oil, and probiotics. The only thing that helps me is whole milk. It temporarily soothes the burn and lets me sleep for an other hour at a time. I told DH I want to see a holistic practioner for this particular problem because I want the natural solution! But, it's nice to know I do not suffer alone. Misery loves company
You know it just dawned on me, I get a paper back book once in a while and it says, SHOCKING MEDICAL COVERUPS. It tells you about all natural things you can take for different things. And it says don’t expect to hear about it from your doctor because how would they be able to keep the drug company’s in business. I don’t have one yet on AR but if I get one or can find out how to get one I will let you all know.
From, another restless sleep last night.
The problem with that is milk is a base and causes more acid production. So it may temporarily relieve the discomfort but makes it worse in the long run.
The problem with that is milk is a base and causes more acid production. So it may temporarily relieve the discomfort but makes it worse in the long run.

I agree with you on that point. I only get relief from that for about an hour before the acid is back. But I do the milk anyway because tums or rolaids work just as long as the milk does, but the milk tastes better LOL.

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