How Much Bread is To Much!!

Some years back, I cleaned out the fridge after thanksgiving, feeding the flock a large amount of turkey stuffing. What followed were a few cases of sour crop in hens and a case of compacted crop in the rooster.

I Totally Agree!! To Much of anything Is To Much!!
Just asking how much is too much without considering what else they are eating is a lot like asking how high is up. There is no answer to that.

True, Even if I got Good feed in their feeder---throwing in a lot of bread might make some eat more bread than feed, where some might eat the feed more?? For sure No One answer is right for all.
I give one piece in the morning between four chickens, wouldn't do it but it has become routine and chickens hate change. No ill effects except for fat chickens.
If there's one thing chickens do well, it's guilt-tripping you, and they use flock dynamics at their full advantage to gang up on you until you do what they want. Call it what it is - terrorism by poultry.
If there's one thing chickens do well, it's guilt-tripping you, and they use flock dynamics at their full advantage to gang up on you until you do what they want. Call it what it is - terrorism by poultry.
I know this way too well. One morning i had no bread, two solid hours at the backdoor and i swear they were saying breaaad, bread, bread. Made me feel terrible, got two pieces the next morning because in a sucker.
Kinda like asking how much fun (in the way of dessert) is for us, too much, given possibilities, e.g. of adult onset (type 2) diabetes. Bread is really the food most entertaining for me to watch them eat. I even believe that's how Americans maybe got their idea inspiring the American form of football, or rugby for that scrum-tious matter. As soon as i drop a piece they run to it snatch it and run to the endzone of their choice to be safely away from others who often 'nuf will try to tackle them and snatch it for themselves if not enuf bread is served up. So what does that tell you about bread turning into sugar, all too easily and quickly once consumed?......!

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