How much do you pay for organic chicken feed?

I buy bulk from a local clun and we get it for $18-$20 (depending on % of protien) per bag for 45lb bag. The feed store in Portland sells it $30 for 50lb bag non organic and a 5 gallon bucket worth of Organic for $30.
What makes or doesnt make it organic?

Of coarse no pesticides.

I buy feed from a local farmer that mixes his own "layer" feed. 15.75 per 100lbs

I often wonder whats the difference in the so called "organic" eggs????
The USDA has rules (EXTENSIVE ONES) for labeling things organic, including related terms such as "made with organic.". Personally, I would not feed my birds an organic feed. I read labels, and I've read enough to not be happy with the ingredients in the organic feeds I've seen.
How would you go about doing that?

I think you mean, getting it made? I have a recipe at my local co-op, one for layer and one for everyone else. but I do buy a ton of layer at a time. most places will mix 500lb at a time. I try to get enough to last 6 or so weeks
We pay .35 per pound for layer feed, .24 a pound for scratch and .5 a pound for starter and grower. I figure its not a bad deal. It is grown by a farmer in Nebraska, trucked over the state line to the northwest denver area, and then distributed in golden and boulder. It's available every 6 weeks or so but she (the person who does the ordering) always has extra for sale in the meantime.

The birds seem to like it, and none of them have died yet, so I would say at the moment it is a success.

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