How much property do you all have?

I have 1.9 acres in a small country town. I live on a side street with lots of woods between me and the cul-de-sach and neighbors on each side. I can't free-range because of the dogs (mine & visitors). We have a siberian huskie that comes to visit daily. She comes on the deck to invite my 2 dogs out to play. She has not paid any attention to my chickens at all. How lucky is that.
I have 5 acres, but only 1 acre is open. I have 6 chickens. I think it's recommended that they each have a minimum of 10 square-feet in the run, so if you've got more than that, you're fine.
I've 7.5 acres 2.5 miles out of town and zoned agriculture so there is no problem with chickens. Also all the land east of us is steep hilled and wooded for a mile--they guy that owns it keeps it primarily for hunting so it's posted. Our house is on the south side of the property so is it about a mile between us and the northern neighbor. The only other neighbor does border us on the south but there is a line of evergreens and undergrowth between us that forms a barrier that the chickens seem reluctant to cross--given that these neighbor's dog came over and killed a few of our chickens--they had a pitbull than refused to be stopped by their hidden fence--they have no complaints if the chickens occasionally cross over onto their lawn. It is about 1000 yds from our property line to their house anyway and the chickens don't get that far. We occasionally give them eggs and blueberries so we're on good standing with them anyway. If our roosters bother them, they haven't let on and probably won't.
We live on 1/8th acre and a lot of it is under the 1400 sq. ft. house. We have 6 happy laying hens. Last year, our town passed and ordinance allowing chickens so long as they are hens and the coop is at least 50ft from the neighbor's doors (permit is required and issued after you build your coop). I haven't had any trouble letting them "free-range" the back yard and no complaints from the neighbors. The run is 6 1/2 X 8 ft. (52 sq. ft.) that is about 8 1/2 sq. ft per bird. The girls seem happy as they don't peck each other and we get about two and a half dozen eggs week.
My chickens are really backyard chickens - I live 'in town', my lot is small (around 12000 square feet). House is in a cul-de-sac, the back yard slopes into a stretch of conservancy with a little creek down the hill. I do have neighbors on either side. There is no specific ordinance about chickens, no roos allowed though but small # of hens are OK unless noise or smell or other complaints arise. My back yard is fenced though. When the girls were about 5 months old we had 2 incidents of flying/jumping up on/over the fence. Neighbor called once to tell me that a chicken was in his yard but did not complain. The other time I was there when it happened and we never had problems that neighbors complained about chooks running loose or noise or smell. I have a lot of shrubs and plants, soon the neighbors will not be able to see the coop or much of my yard. I am trying to eliminate the chance of any complaints because I really do not want to be told that my chickens are a nuisance. Don't know if that helps you any, I have 2 big dogs too but they are pretty quiet and well liked here. But again - the fence has made our lives easier, everyone stays out of trouble. I also feel better because even living in a big city I have seen coons, possums and other wildlife in residential areas including my front porch....I have not lost a chicken to a stray or loose dog or wildlife even though my girls have the run of the yard during the day even if I am at work. Good luck with your chickens!
We have 50 acres and it's all fenced but my free rangers pretty much stay round the barns. I can't see any of the neighbors from the house. No ordinances here. We moved out here from the city 3 years ago. We had 7 acres on the city edge but the barn was up against an affluent neighborhood (probably 40 ft from the house). I was there first but one couple complained that my animals were bringing down their property value. (Well, why did they build so close to a barn! What did they think a barn was for anyway!)
I live 4 blocks from city hall and the police station. Chickens are allowed, in some neighbirhoods, they free range all over the place. I keep my 2 hens in their spacious coop in the back yard. I put up the vanilla scented auto deoderizers shaped like Christmas trees to keep flies away that was posted here-and they WORK! My lot is tiny, but the neighbors don't care, the hens are quiet and not a nusiance to anyone. I am going to build a 10'x10' run this winter so I can a few more, but that's all I will allow myself. My yard is too small for me to let chicken math take over.

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