How much property do you all have?

only said that to let ya know I didnt have a preditor issue... geeze and FYI the little weiner dog next door craps in my yard all the time...
Oh, Please be very careful.. I have Dachshunds and would NEVER let them near my chickens... They are quick and 'determined' --they will dig, climb and chase their prey until they drop... Our first Doxie dug up 30ft of drain pipe and torn the downspout off the house to get to a old mouse's NEST..
Will you adopt me? Shoot, I'd be ecstatic to have 10 acres, happy to have 5, but living on almost 2 now was great when I upgraded from almost 1! Although I am a people person, I am really not a 'neighbor' person. I know & like my neighbors & we chat at the fence-line, but sometimes (like when they are screaming at each other or their kids) I'd just as soon not have to listen to it.
Just like Louieandthecrew guess we are blessed to live way out in the country with acres and acres so are not affected by zoning laws at all. I can see two houses from mine, one of these keeps chickens and the other neighbor that doesn't enjoys fresh eggs from our hens and we drink their fresh cow's milk so there are no problems at all. As far as a rooster crowing, what better fits the early mornin' country sounds of daybreak? Besides my rooster doesn't hold a candle to the earth shaking bray of my mini jack Wilbur when he really cranks it up!! Sure hope things work out for you and your chickens!
Absolutely! We have 20 acres. When we bought it, the tax appraiser had to come out and verify that there was actually a (20 year old) house on the property. The original owners forgot to mention that they'd built a house and never paid property taxes on it.
I wish I had as much as all of you. I thought this was backyard chickens, but sounds like many of you have a regular farm (I'm jealous). We live on less than 1/5 of an acre. No hens, neighbors don't care. They think its cool. Bottom line is that our city allows chickens, so even if the neighbors didn't like it, there would be nothing they can do about it.
We have a city lot in a small town that does allow chickens..even roosters. I can't get crazy with my chicken math since the city official asked how many...then said "Not 100 or more?" I told her, "No...just 6 or so." Hmmm, I did get 6 in the first group, then 5 and then that what you call Chicken Math?? And right now I'm looking at getting more sex links for eggs and some Maran's and Amerucana's
Absolutely! We have 20 acres. When we bought it, the tax appraiser had to come out and verify that there was actually a (20 year old) house on the property. The original owners forgot to mention that they'd built a house and never paid property taxes on it.

Aha yes--country living. Want a barn? Build it. Want to add on to your house? Go ahead. Permit? Zoning Laws? Code enforcement? Oh we have the laws but unless you are dumb enough to go and ask, no one knows about what you're doing until they reassess. At which point you say "Didn't I tell you?" 15 years ago I lost my garage as the result of snow pack so rebuilt it as a machine shed. Then built a garage in a different place--builder made me get a permit. When the assessor came out to check on the garage he gave me hell for building the machine shed. I just told him he didn't lower my assessment when the garage fell down so live with it. They still don't know about my chicken coop.
I love living in NH. Our small city has chickens all over. There are no ordinances against hens or roosters. In fact, you can have a horse in the middle of town if you can afford to feed it. A local lawyer got mad because the city would not let him open an office out of his home in a residential neighborhood, so he parked a coop of the LOUDEST geese right on his front lawn for months. He lived on one of the main roads through the city. He didn't get his office and he eventually got rid of the geese, but that shows you how liberal the livestock laws are here.

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