How old was your hen when she laid her 1st egg?

Glad to do it.
This is a great thread! I can add one... My black Australorp laid her first brown egg at 17 weeks and has been daily since. I have 2 partridge rocks, a BO, and EE that are going on 21 weeks and still not laid..... I suspect I'll be adding on to the "latest" end of your table.

I love the name's babies give us mothers....... Mine isn't dirty either, but she called me HoHo. Always saying, I love you, HoHo... I thought it was cute, but will never know where she came up with that one.
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White silkie, or another?

I answered your pm but I thought I'd answer on here as well... I have a white and a buff silkie. I'm not sure which on is laying.

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