How smart are deer ?

The story is over. We had a field trial today, and while brushing for rabbits we found what was left of him. He died only about 30' away from where I last saw him. He may very well have died shortly after I saw him. I know this is just weird, but it is almost like he came to say good bye on the last sighting. I will miss interactions with him, but no longer need to worry about his safety.
That's too bad, sour but at least y'all got to say you're 'good byes'.
The story is over. We had a field trial today, and while brushing for rabbits we found what was left of him. He died only about 30' away from where I last saw him. He may very well have died shortly after I saw him. I know this is just weird, but it is almost like he came to say good bye on the last sighting. I will miss interactions with him, but no longer need to worry about his safety.
That is sad.
Coyotes are back in the area - I saw a large individual in a field along the club lane. As a result several deer have moved into the club area. Coyotes stay out because of the electric fencing. Last week as I was leaving there was a yearling resting in the shade by the gate. She/he didn't move until I got out of my truck and then only walked along the fence about 30'. I opened the gate, drove through and came back to shut the gate. The deer just stood there watching me. Could there be a sequel to the story ? Could this be 'Bucky's Kid' ?
Coyotes are back in the area - I saw a large individual in a field along the club lane. As a result several deer have moved into the club area. Coyotes stay out because of the electric fencing. Last week as I was leaving there was a yearling resting in the shade by the gate. She/he didn't move until I got out of my truck and then only walked along the fence about 30'. I opened the gate, drove through and came back to shut the gate. The deer just stood there watching me. Could there be a sequel to the story ? Could this be 'Bucky's Kid' ?
'Bucky' the Sequel

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