How the heck are you supposed to wait....Day 23 AND WE HAVE A BABY!

Tomorrow is hatch day for me. That of course means they won't hatch till the next day LOL! Yes it is hard the first couple times. This time I have two batches of chicks already hatched a few weeks apart so they are keeping me pretty busy. I can just go play with them instead of messing with the baters and it helps alot. I bet you will get a pip by tonight or early tomorrow morning
Sending good chickie hatching vibes your way !!!
I have one chick!
a few more pip's but my STUPID thermostat dropped to 92 degrees last night - I have it up again now - but now IM AFRAID TO GO TO WORK!!!! God, i dont want it to go upto 100+ again then my chickie will die...... Ugh what to do. Calling in sick - not an option - I'm self employeed! Work=money.
I am a first timer at incubating eggs! I have two from a friend that are day 18 today and twelve of SoCalChicks in there that due to hatch on the 4th of feb. If I raise my humidity for these two will it affect my others? I am nervous about these fuzzy butts! I hope next time to have a seperate bator all ready for lockdown! Or no more staggered hatches!
This is too funny! My husband gave me a hard time when mine were hatching. He wanted to know why we had to buy an incubator, I never left their side, why didn't I just sit on them myself he said! I wish I could have taped him pretending to be me sitting on my eggs! I still haven't lived down the nickname 'mama hen'.
Every time, I VOW I will do no more staggered hatches. I really do think it is better to do one hatch at a time. But then I see some eggs I cannot resist, and I get them.

Oh well.

I imagine the noises must have been in my head because they havent done anything for hours. Everytime I press my ear up to the glass: nothing. The movements may have been in my head as well, I have no idea.

I am actually getting worried now. I'm trying to think of what could have gone wrong in the hatch. All eggs were confirmed with little veinies and eyes, etc during candling. The temp has stayed between 98-100 degrees (Hovabator and the temps have been even). Humidity is now at 80. Is that too high? I'm worried
I think the sounds this morning may have been my mind playing evil, evil tricks on me.

How often do eggs hatch late guys? Is this normal? What are the chances that all of my eggs are dead? They are all from my own hens. They were older eggs, maybe pushing 10-11 days. I might have washed some of them before I learned it wasnt good to do so but even then, only a few should have been affected.

If my whole first hatch dies, I will be absolutely crushed. Strange to feel that way about some EGGS but I know you can all relate.

Reassure me or break it to me gently folks, what are the chances they will hatch? Am I overreacting? I hope so, I do it a lot.

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