How to be a good BYC citizen

Okay, first newbie mistake and I apologize...I responded in the wrong spot and don't know how to remove it. I have a feeling it's gonna be a long night!
Well if by remove you mean delete, then unfortunately us normal members can't do that. However, you can edit your post using the pencil button in the bottom left-hand corner, or use the report button (the one next to it) to bring over a moderator who can delete/move it for you. Don't worry about newbie mistakes, everyone makes them at some stage or other :p
I will.
Own a good .22 rifle and have at least 100 rounds on hand at all times! You need to protect your flock sometimes!
Well if by remove you mean delete, then unfortunately us normal members can't do that. However, you can edit your post using the pencil button in the bottom left-hand corner, or use the report button (the one next to it) to bring over a moderator who can delete/move it for you.

Don't worry about newbie mistakes, everyone makes them at some stage or other
define "normal".
thanks for the information,i am trying to learn my way around,i hope i am not doing anything annoying,i promise to be kind and be a blessing where i can
apparently i didn't play the this or that game correctly or another one i apologise,i won't play again until i am sure of the rules,i didn't mean to mess up the game's,i'm new still learning but i guess ppl got irritated with me,God Bless

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