How To Become Famous In A Small Town


11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
all y'all may know the country song that claims that everybody dies famous in a small town.

but if you really want to make your mark - be out there just shy of town, aside your broke down truck, with your goat.

that brings 'em out to see what's what.

i imagine it'll be in the paper tomorrow - if it is i'll post it.

in the meantime, here's the sheriff calling. probably to find out when we'll move that heap out of old man Shayler's field. so thats all i have to say about it for now.

its been a heck of a day at farmin' , friends, a heck of a day.
Hehehehe. Before I was married I lived in a small town just a tad bit bigger than this one (about 600 people, compared to the 170 in this town).
My landlord and I were struggling to move a piece of furniture I'd bought out of the back of a friend's truck into the house. The mayor drove by and stopped to help. "Mr. Mayor" noticed I wasn't wearing any shoes and asked me why. I looked at him with a straight face and told him I couldn't afford any.
The next day I had to make a trip to city hall to put a stop to the "shoe drive" the mayor had started on my behalf.

I'd love to see your news article.

LOL...You gotta love the little town papers! Once I was reading our little town paper (1500 peeps and I don't mean chickens!) and in the classified ads there was one that said :

Lost: Lost my (blah blah )fell off my truck on Hwy, if found please call....

Then right below it - there was one that said: (I swear!)
Found: Bunch of stuff in the road. Describe and come pick up...

I hope you make the front page!
so far so good.... sheesh!

i swear no fewer then FOUR people came drivin up - asked if i was ok and if i needed help - then TURNED AROUND and drove back the way they came. oh no - they weren't passin' by, they had come to see what that new gal was doin by the side of the road with a goat!

and then there was all the mockers. i received a certain amount of pointing and laughing. even the amish guy in a buggy was laughin at me

i cant wait to go into the feed store - that oughta be a laugh.

hey maybe they'll have a 'fix the truck drive' for me! hee hee hee

and yeah i'm expecting one of the local pastors to come by....

oh golly.
When we first got married, I would get out and walk after work..I loved to walk the country roads....BUT it never failed that EVERY single person that drove by had to stop and ask "IF" I needed a ride.....After a while they would just stop to talk to me.. Coming from a very large city, it just amazed me! My dh grew up "in these parts" and knows everyone and over half of them are kin...

Small towns are fun!
When I first got chickens one of my hens got a big gash on her underbelly from something sharp...never did figure out what it was but I had an idea.

It was really a nasty gash. I didn't know what I should do so I took her to the vet and they stitched her up.

Next couple weeks I had people left and right comin up to me laughin their butts off asking if I was the one that brought their chicken to the vet?

Even my dh who was taking welding class at the local college the next town over heard about it and gave him heck.

So I gave dh one of our frozen meat birds to give to his welding teacher the next day it met.
serves him right.
Well you do have the right attitude. Most people aint out to get you - but they do want to know "whats what," as you put it.

SO tell us - why were you on the side of the road in old man Shaylers field?
I grew up in a small town, 300 people, plus was related to alot of them. Both of my parents are from large families. PLUS we are actually in town, we have everything from alpacas to zebra, in the village limits. Which my father was the cop for our town.

(When I was 13 or 14) Every year on July 3 is the fireworks celebration, the next morning my dad is downtown working and a woman (tourist) pulls up to him frantic and says:

"There is an ostrich standing in the intersection on the other side of town!" So my dad calls home to tell us that one of my Rhea must be out. It must have got scared during the fireworks and made it over the fence.

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