How To Become Famous In A Small Town

I live in a small town.I gave a goat away not to long ago and had to take it into town.Well we are in the middle of town and I'm walking this goat around.I had so many people come up to me and ask if i was starting a new trend lol.

I Took the goat to a nice lady at a furniture store and she put the goat around back in a kennel .We leave and finish arins,We come back and the goat is gone and running up into these peoples house because it was raining
.We take the goat back and she immediately takes it home.She is fine now,But I'm famous
Well we are in the middle of town and I'm walking this goat around.

Apparently this is quite normal in small towns in Holland. People walking goats around on a leash. Learn a bit of Dutch, walk your goat around town, and when people walk up to talk to you, only speak Dutch to them. Word will get around about how you've been out in the sun too long. When people start asking, tell them that was your cousin just visiting from the old country, and casually mention how strange it is that you look so much alike and are so close in size that you can trade clothes.

I grew up in a small town where everybody was somebody else's cousin. Everyone but my family ... we were the interlopers who'd moved in, we were the "wrong religion", etc.

My brother and I had a great time doing very odd stuff with a completely straight face and waiting to see how far the gossip would get and how tall the tale would become.​
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When my husband and I got married Aug 17 1996, we had our names and faces all over the local paper. Being from a small town in PA, most people knew my grandfather and that he was NOT a man to mess with...

When the newspaper editor found out that I was getting married -- it was posted all over the place! The reporter came down, took info, got photos and asked my soon to be husband..."How'dya manage to get past Akey and get to his Grand Daughter without being castrated??"

My husband's response, "I had testicular cancer -- God did it for him!!"


Needless to say, we have been married 13 yrs tomorrow and my grandparents (now 75 y/o) adore him. And, 13 yrs later... we have made the paper in that small town (now 850 miles from where we now live) to celebrate our anniversary!! "Heading -- CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!?"

Small towns are GREAT unless your a child -- then, you have a WHOLE town watching your everymore.. you can't even blink without your parents finding out!!!!!
the funny thing was, when we moved here we were warned by everyone not to share any personal info b/c it would quickly become the towns business. we laughed a lot about this - i mean seriously what would be the worst that could happen? and kinda like what wombat and that no account brother did (hee hee!) , we started makin' up wild stories just to keep town people on their toes. so far we havent been thrown out of church and they still take our money at the feed store so.. you know... i guess being the oddity has its own rewards.


what happened was - we were taking the goat back to the breeder and all was great until about 1.5 miles from town when the cardboardmeter or the old timers belt or some such car part blew and there we were stranded. with the goat. who turned out to be a prize winning goat and worth much more than we paid for her. yikes!

so the only phone number i could remember was the neighbor's - a nice family who we arent awfully close to - and of course they werent there. i set my hubby walkin back to the house (a couple of miles, up hill) for the other truck and off he went. bein' as it was 90+* and i was bakin in the sun with the prize winning goat - i quickly developed a new sense of urgency for religion. so me and the goat started prayin as i was afraid she'd become a burn offering there in the sun.

and wouldnt you know it.

not 2 mins later here come the neighbors who just so happened to be driving that way - the way they NEVER go. me and the goat had a moment of praise and then they scooped up my hubby and returned with the good truck. we loaded up the goat and off we went to safety.

we still had to take the goat to the breeder. so we put the seat down in the back of our still kind of nice crew cab truck and he pushed and i pulled and we got the prize winning goat in the truck without ripping off her udder. then she peed all over the back seat of the truck. nannies berries were next. and off we went for me to spend the next 1.5 hrs with her slobberin and drooling all over me. just as she settled down - we got there and collapsed in a grateful heap at the feet of this poor goat guy.

mercifully the bad truck is still there and it was not vandalized by the town kids. so now we have to go and tow it home. or something. oh geez.

i imagine i'll have to come up with somethin' to tell the folks at the feed store - i might make up something about Holland, or not having any shoes, or taken an ostrich to the vet or something.. but can you believe it!?

Tell them that the goat stole your truck and ran away from home , then wrecked in Old Man Shayler's field, and that's why you took her back to the breeder.

You were just lucky she didn't steal the good truck - I guess the old one was easier for her to hotwire. No thumbs on a goat.
will do. i'll start them tongues a-waggin'

ok that is the FUNNIEST thing ever - and just lightens the load of the repair bill.

hee hee hee

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