How to dispose of annoying dogs

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What a great idea!!!!!!! I never even thought of that.

Got one myself... and good thing since when we opened the flue to have a fire three of the buggers came falling (LIVE) down... not to mention when the cable guy opened the box on the pole (that's in our yard but it's our neighbor's cable) out flew an entire hive... oh yeah, plenty of reason for spray... oh, and mine says up to 27'...

Of course the pit next door has broken through the 6' fence and bitten my hubby... climbed over the 6' fence... broke through the 6' fence on the other side... all since May... and evidently those aren't the only escapes, just the ones I know of... so I think everyone on the block is now packing wasp spray.
most peoples property does not start at gates, but rather have gates anywhere from several feet to halfway threw the property. I sure hope your dog does not walk down my road into my property and growl at me. because you wouldn't like the result.
If you shoot the dog, just be sure you are in the right. Have proof... A judge will look more kindly on you if the coop has a hole nawled in it or some of your girls are mangled or deceased. Otherwise the owners will plead there babies were just being curious and wouldn't hurt anyone. But you can bet the dogs will be worth thousands of dollars if you shoot them and the judge rules in their favor....This is from experience....
The owner might think twice about continuing to let his dog run off-leash if he has a nice fire going in the wood stove and Rover comes in from another unwanted visit to your property drenched in this:

Even if he thinks it was just a FOUR-LEGGED skunk that got his pooch, he sure wouldn't want to deal with that odor in a warm room! Maybe I should keep him tied up, he'll think. Especially if it keeps happening...

DISCLAIMER: For the humor-impaired, this post is presented for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.
I would try a paintball gun. It will not kill the dog, and the owner will get mad enough to keep them tied up.
There was a thread about an outdoor cat here and someone suggested food dye in a water gun and something horrible smelling like deer or coyote urine, etc. When the dog comes back hot pink and reeking, they will KNOW their dogs are unwelcome!
If a dog enters my property and is a threat to either myself or my animals and won't leave on command, it's fair game. If you don't want your dog to disapear, keep it tied, trained and off my property, it's that simple. I love dogs, mine is well trained and never leaves my property. We can't solve evreybody's problems. Some people just don't have any respect for other people or their property. The indevidual who owns thes dogs is obvioulsy one of those with a total disrespect for others.
The wasp spray is great for unwanted people on your property too...those that are attacking you that is. I had two dogs going after my chickens. The police said shoot them the moment they get on your property, so do you own the land on the outside of you gate..I do. I also typed up an invoice of damages and took it to the two owners. Both paid...because the other option was to have them put down. By me if on my property or thru the legal system. The invoice included all feed, water, electricity, meat of bird cost and lost eggs fo the two year laying period. Trust me at $150-200 a bird with 6 killed, so $500 per dog. They will keep their dogs away from know on. Plus they were told that if I had to kill them, they would owe for damages and the bullet. I have a dog of my own, so I love all animals. A paint gun works really well as well...just shoot on you property. Because they will be able to tell...LOL
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