How to gently persuade someone to kill and eat pets?


12 Years
Oct 19, 2010
Montgomery County, TX
I have a problem with the life cycle of my flock.

I bought them as dual purpose birds, expecting them to lay for a while and then become delicious soup. They are doing fine on the first part, but I am unable to hold up my part of the bargain on the second half of my plan.

Against all odds, these noisy dusty uncooperative little poo machines have become our feathery little friends. I can handle the circle of life thing. But I don't know how I can have this conversation with the rest of the family without causing trauma now that they have become attached.

Any suggestions?
If you named them, it won't be easy... I find that critters with a name are harder to slaughter. You may need to keep these as pets, and get more with the strict undestanding that they will not have names (unless it's something like Noodle Soup, or Nuggets, or something), and treat them as a feed crop, not a lap dog.... Really young kids, (or P I T A teenagers on a rant),may not get over processing of Ms. Fluffy Butt.
Chicken.Lytle :


Against all odds, these noisy dusty uncooperative little poo machines have become our feathery little friends.


Good description. Happened around here, too, but I wasn't planning soup. I don't know what I will do when they stop laying eggs. I suppose just keep feeding them.​
Yep...I agree with GAchick. Once you name them, especially with kids, it's over. Of course you can always be sneaky and "rehome" them to someone else who may do the dirty deed. The next batch you get, announce it from the get-go that they are NOT pets, that they are going to be for eating - that they will be well cared for as livestock, but will NOT have names. That would have to be my firm resolve if I were getting meat or dual purpose breeds for eventual eating.
I know Ms Fluffy Butt and believe me she will not be processed.
Course she is a duckling lover, just loves those little fluffy butts. Not on line much any more.

Make sure when you get the meat birds they all look the same, that helps. My GD has picked out the White one and the Blue egg layers and one of the Buttercup NHR crosses. She knows who lays which eggs and names which one she wants for breakfast. Drives her parents a little nutty. But I think paybacks are great.

Those are her birds and they will more than likely be here until they drop or a hawk gets them. It happens from time to time around here, (have never lost a chick or a chicken to a hawk, yet).
I'd be really cautious about persuading someone ELSE to kill & eat a chicken they considered a pet. It's a decision you really have to come to on your own.

This is something that no one warned me about when I began keeping laying hens, that you need a plan for them when they get older and slow down/stop laying. I don't have the heart to dispatch any of my older hens, but it's difficult trying to keep them all fed now. I have informed my kids that from now on, any hen or rooster that we add to our flock will some day come in for dinner when they outlive their effectiveness. They can enjoy them & even name them if they wish, but to keep enough detatchment that we won't mind it when it's time to send them Across The Road.

I will leave room for particular attatchment to maybe one or two very very very special birds that just prove their worth in some other way, extra friendliness or endearment. But everyone else has an expiration date, and we'll appreciate them for that contribution to the family at that time.
I just had this problem yesterday. I have 12 chickens, 7 hens, and 5 roos. The ratio is off, and I knew we had to do something. The hens are just starting to lay. 4 eggs this morning was a new record, I think 4 of them are laying now.

However my biggest roo was a black australorp. He was the biggest and noisiest one out there. But also one of our 2 favorite roosters.

I told hubby if I could order more chicks for feb, I would make chicken soup.

He said soup sounded good, and I get to order 25 more chicks! So even though it sucked, the soup was good and I get some new babies to love on soon.

I'm sure the same process will happen next year. By the time my new ones start laying I will have to deal with the other 11 out there.
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I wouldn't want to persuade someone to eat their pet. I think you may be stuck with the chickens you've got, but should take a different approach to chickens acquired in the future -- make it clear to all (including yourself) that they are not pets, but rather livestock.
Since you have hens and roosters, and they are laying eggs, hatch a brood of your own. It is very rewarding. For the cost of a Little Giant or better incubator, you can insure that you'll have a never ending supply of chicks.

As far as culling, we set that parameter with the family when we started this project. The hens and rooster will be a year this March, so we are a ways from culling, but I wouldn't hesitate to cull if need be. We have 14 hens and 1 rooster. Got 14 eggs today and 11 yesterday! (It is snowing and 27 degrees so light and heat in the coop certainly help production) Hatched a brood of 19 chicks from 24 eggs, so I'll add a few hens each year from the mix and cull as needed, replacing the rooster every 2 years to cut down on inbreeding.

Set the rules up front, and make everyone abide by them. Otherwise you are managing to the lowest common denominator, and you aren't preparing these folks for life in the real world.

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