How to house a house chicken


9 Years
Feb 25, 2010
Leesburg, Ohio
hi guys! i just read the whole thread on house chickens and i LOVED it! i am planning on having one or two house chickens. i've got silkie/showgirl eggs coming in on thursday.....then MORE silkie eggs coming in about 3 - 4 weeks. i know for a fact that a couple of them will be house chickens. i have a couple questions though (for those who have house chickens). what's the set up everyone has in their houses? should i get a cage for their makeshift coop at night? i have dogs, how do dogs deal with this? i also have a spare room where the girls can go if i'm ever gone for any amount of time during the day, or they can go outside with their other friends.....i plan on having them get together with them every day so they'll always know each other. also, would 2 silkie girls generate a bunch of poop? i already have a couple diapers, and i may use them most of the time. but it would be nice if i didn't use them at all. i'm so excited for their arrival! i hope i get a showgirl out of these eggs!
my house chicken just hatched and is in the brooder now, im curious as too the answer to this one too.
can you show pics of your new house chicken? will u just have one house chicken? and will u keep it if it's a roo? i wouldn't mind a roo, but i want two house chickens, and i don't know how a roo would do with just one hen. i wonder if he'd get mean? i want to see a pic of your baby! what breed is it? what color?
i forgot to say, that i guess i want TWO house chickens, cuz i'm afraid one would get lonely? but i'd be fine with one if he/she would be happy. i'm guessing they WOULD be happy, after reading all the posts about house chickens. i'm home all day too (work from home).
im so in love with this chickie (ive named him othello) i don't care if he is the noisiest roo ever!
i really do adore him/her. this is my photobucket with all a video of him/her and some pics. i have a video of part of the hatch and some more pics but there still uploading. enjoy!
im not sure about the breed or anything. what color slilkie are you getting? thats so exciting! im just keeping one and if i see he needs a friend i can always get another
he's the sweetest baby!!!! (or she) he's gonna be spoiled!! you know, i feel like changing my mind....i feel like having ONE house chicken....that way i wouldn't worry about whether it was a roo or pullet. but if i have two....then i'd worry that it's 2 roos.....or one roo with one pullet (i don't know how well that would pan out)......and if he/she is lonely.....well heck, i'll have a small backyard flock anyway! yep, i'm gonna just go with ONE! we are officially "hatching pet chicken" partners!
although my pet isn't going into the bator till thursday. but i can say one thing about my future pet! he/she is being sent to me as i type!! i know u said u don't know the breed, but is he a bantam or a standard? mine will be a silkie OR a showgirl.....not sure which yet, cuz the 8 eggs i ordered can be either/or. well, keep pics of othello coming so i can see him grow! oh, and the color of my house chicken will be either white or partridge.
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haha! he/she will definatley be spoiled! hatching pet chicken partners sounds terrific! waiting is the hardest, but suprsingly the first 21 days goes A LOT faster than the last three! im not sure whether it is bantam or standard, i think standard because the egg he came in was pretty average sized. have you thought of any names yet?
well, i thought of LOADS of female i'm gonna have to forget all that and pick a non-gender name or a male name. personally, i think female animals with male names is cute and funny. i once had a female cat named Bill.....and we knew she was a female from the get-go! so, i'll have to think on it! do u have any suggestions?
i know what you mean! thats why i wasn't worried about using othello. i had some just random names for the other chicks.

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