How were BYC project managers and staff made?

You know.... if you press “full image” the attachments will look better.:D
It was at full image. Just a glitch
I used to try to catch up on long threads but gave up cause there’s no way it could ever be possible. 😂
heheheh 😂
Well.... if you ever need a good book to read, I strongly recommend the Cochins verses Orps thread. You’ll get everything from secret spies, to under paid butlers, to even 200 pages of random counting.
yes exactly
Minus the 200 pages of counting!! 200!?!?! Really!?!?!?!
new years
1000 pages
My name officially changed now!! 😁🥰
ooh cool!
Wouldn’t recommend - at least, not if you want to sleep. :)
no its fiiine
I hate autocorrect so much. I’m on my iPad

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