My WCBP is named Jojo after a friend who had a really bad hair day, my 4 buff Orpington girls are Hammond (after Richard Hammond), Henrietta, Everest (cause she liked to sit on shoulders when she was little) and Padma (after Padma Lakshmi) but they usually are just referred to as the 4 Henriettas.

My husband's little d'Anvers roo is named Fidget and my SD's bantam Buff Brama roo is named Fluffy Ralph.
I named my meaties after my favorite dishes. My favorite hen wound up named Chicken Strips. The little one got named Manderin. There was Fried chicken, he was the dumb one,lol We had chickens named Orange, Ginger, walnut, peanut, you name it. Makes it real easy when you have kids, they ask what it is and you say that's Fried chicken right there., easier than saying well sweetie, thats sparkles :)
I have never met a chicken who expressed dismay at what name they had been given. Sounds great! Go for it. These are children that won't be handicapped later in life by the names they are given.

Well, maybe except for my good friend's turkey chicks; she named them Thanksgiving and Christmas. They didn't last the year....

I have 31 hens, 3 roosters.....Only a few have names because 10 hens are white pearl leghorns.....they are identical...Of my Red stars, we have Blondie - her neck and tail feathers are blonde, Henrietta - she can alsways be found right next to Blondie, Gertrude - she looks a little old, the other two aren't named, Silkie Rooster - Prune - his comb looks like somebody smushed a prune on his nose, Silkie hen - Lovey, r.i.p. - reminded a friend of a woman he knew. EE roo - Tim - picked him up one day and he looked at my face as though he was going to peck, I said to him, "I don't think so Tim" it stuck, EE pullet - Squawker, kindergarteners named her, can you guess why?, Also have a Jersey Giant, barred Rock, 5 EE's, 5 bantam brahmas, 4 SLW's, all no names yet.

Looking for 2 turkey's to raise guessed it, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners...anyone in western colorado with some to sell?
We have five buff orpingtons and the the four of us each got to name one and then together we picked the fifth chicks name. My 9 year old daughter named hers Nugget, my 7 year old son named his Chicky. I picked Chopsticks and my husband picked Dumpling. The fifth one we named Sushi. And no, even though they pretty much all have food names, they are just for eggs and are our pets.
Okay I have several with names

EE Roo: John Candy aka Candy Cane (he reminded me of the actor when he was young)

EE hens:

Nappy she looks like she has bed head going on
Creamy aka Crazy Creamy grey with a cream colored head & very skittish
Bling black with gold flecks
Slick you probably guessed but she does not have a muff
Tender gold/red color
Nugget gold/red color
Willow she is yelo with green legs (still a chick hoping for a girl)
Papa Midnight she is black (also a chick hoping for a girl)

RIW: Fluff or Puff (we had 2 lost one can't tell the difference)

Blue Orpingtons:

Cockerel: Sly he reminds me of S. Stallone
Pullet: Petti she has a very pretty petticoat going on

There are still more to be named but there names have not come to me yet.
Very fun!

We named our first six girls from Beatle's songs: Martha, Prudence, Loretta, Lucy, Maggie, Sadie.

The next three were named for some of the companions on Dr. Who - Rose, Donna, and Amelia. Amelia might be a roo, in which case he will be Rory instead of Amelia.
Hell o all.
Thank you for all the wonderful names you have been sharing with me.
I have enjoyed the story's and pictures you have been shared with BYC.

I no longer have my 10 peeps, I have lost one silky named Marie. She got into the back
yard with our Basset Hound Linden, Len thought that it was wonderful to have someone eye to eye
to play with. He layed on her when trying to play as I was unable to help her out of the dogs yard in time.

The other nine are doing well. Easter is a Roster so we changed His name to Ricky and Peggy is now named
Lucy, We felt that Ricky need a Lucy LOL.
Please keep the names coming as I know that it's helping others to find names for there chickens.

My RIR's are Addie and Clara......Addie is short for Adeliene, which is the formal German name for Heidi. Clara was Heidi's friend in the childhood story with Shirley Temple....(Heidi)
My Cuckoo Maran's had to have funny lady names....Lucy and Ethel...from 'I Love Lucy' ...1950's sitcom with Lucile Ball!
Just decided on names for most of my new blue Orpingtons:


Petti for her petticoat
Fluffer Nutter also pretty petticoat
Crissy she is kind of ditzy & reminds me of the Crissy on Three's Company

Jax play on Jack from Three's Company (was calling him Sly but just didn't fit)
1 w/o a name as of now. Not planning on keeping him.

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