Huge Egg! UPDATE: Photo of contents

So cool! So far, my biggest egg has been from a Silver Laced Wyandotte and it was 87.3 grams. I bow to your humongous egg!
I have a special request:
I image eggs with MRI and am looking for double or even triple yolker eggs to image and write up in a scientific journal. No one actually knows much about what happens in this situation, shared blood supply, orientation, why they fail to hatch, and developmental abnormalities etc. With MRI you can see into the egg while it is developing, and at several time points.

Any egg from any species at any stage of development would be AWESOME, chickens, ducks, anything. So if you have set any that have failed to hatch PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY: SEND THEM TO ME!! I will pay for shipping of course, and you will be credited for your material/egg in the paper. Also any such eggs that are fertile that you do not want to set I would be very happy to buy from you. Double yolkers do not travel that well, but I could incubate them here and get serial imaging of development. Worth a try.

Here is a pic of a singleton egg just before hatch. Not much room in there! It has internally pipped, but note how much of the yolk sac (bright areas) is still external to the chick. The yolk does not seem to totally internalize till just before they emerge, which is one reason why "assisted hatches" do not always work out.


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