like biophiliac said you want it dark but just like when you add birds to a coop you should move them at night, i have done this and they seem almost drunk- i had one that attempted to run away but would keep stopping every few feet and 'zone out'

wait until it is night time like 10pm then move them, and try to keep it as dark as possible while moving them
Ok, thanks, if I move them tonite I will do it as late as I can depending on the weather.
So my chickens DID NOT do well in the confinement of their garage pen, so much so that I was afraid they would injure themselves (or worse), I put them back in their coop. The winds aren't bad now, some downpours but tomorrow am is supposed to be much worse. I don't know what to do about tomorrow?? Either I leave them in their coop, which is pretty strong and secure, or chance it in the garage pen again. They really freaked out in the pen, I gave it a few hrs to see if they would calm down, but they didn't. Any ideas anyone?
Last year with Mathew I stuck all my chickens in a windowless brick shed, didn't turn on the lights and every time I checked on them they were roosting as if night. I think the darkness did them good, and I moved them at dusk. Planning to do the same thing tonight, just got to get the kiddie pools and roost (8ft 2x4) set up. Kind of hesitant though as the place is crawling in roaches, goes to show you how little I go in there.

I Might leave the lights on for a bit so they can have some nice roach snacks
My heart goes out to you, having to make this decision. How bad did they freak out, like harm themselves freak out, or normal chicken, I don't like this change, freak out? You will have to decide what is best for your birds as you know them the best. There really is no right or wrong answer, just the one you think is best at the time you have to make it. Sorry I wasn't much help, hope what ever decision you make works for your birds. Don't be too hard on yourself, you are doing your best for your birds, that's the most important thing, no matter where your birds ride out the storm or how the fair. The idea of moving them at night sounds like a good one. Good luck
I was afraid they would hurt themselves! Not a normal freak out. I will play it by ear, as long as Irma goes more west, better for me and my chickens. Thanks for your input, it helps!


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