Hurricane Earl

I remember the first time i went to P-Town..
We were just walking around downtown there..looking at all the awesome shops and stuff...
And then i look up.. theres a guy with leather chaps on..with a leather vest with no shirt on... WALKING this other guy on a dog leash! (studded collar, of course!!)

Ahh.. P-Town memories...
we are next!!!!! looks like the next one might come our way!!! keeping you all in our thoughts & BE SAFE!!! Flooding is the major thing and i wanna get an update on how you all are after the storm!!!

We are gonna start picking up the yard & securing stuff to get a heads up. With all the stuff i have it will just be better to do early & have it ready for the upcoming months!!! Polk county had 3 cross in it one after another. i wasn't here but everyone says,"FLOOD, FLOOD, FLOOD"

PEace out,
hey all. had a chance to check in before the long weekend. watching to see what is going on. can't tell much, but hear them talking about the outerbanks. Praying for everyone.
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FREAKING OUT!! were expecting 70-80 mile an hour winds in long island! i live out east and am really worried. i have prepared an area in my basement with cages just in case i feel like it gets too bad!!! ugh tomorrow is going to be a LONGGGGG DAY!! dang hurricane earl!! i love storms but not when my birds are threatened!!!
the pic is the basement and what its turned into "just in case" lol but i am prepared!! thank god i only need to bring in 2 rabbits, 4 ducks and 4 chickens! lol

** edited for spelling errors lol

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We're supposed to get hit here pretty hard tomorrow. They actually cancelled a bunch of school activities for tomorrow. Apparently they are expecting a tropical storm for our area, which means lots of waves and lots of flooding! I love storms though, and I don't have much outside that can be damaged. I made sure to park away from any trees.
I have found reading your various posts a humbling experience. Here in England we think we are hard done by if we get stuck on a motorway for a few hours, and everything stops at the first dusting of snow!! I swear it was never like this when I was young. May you all be safe during this hurricane season not forgetting your animals. God bless
"Guarded Optimism" is what the weather forecasters locally are saying. HOWEVER they have not gotten a forecast right all year. I am not letting my guard down yet. Earl is pushing massive amounts of water. Living on an island makes that one of my major concerns. Wind comes next. The back yard is a pine tree conservation zone. There are a lot of standing dead back there. I could have a new yard.

Anyway........... doing last minute tie downs, pull ins and clean ups of the properties.

Buff and all you other Cape and the Island folks, good luck, it could be a bumpy ride.

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