hurt leg ...what do I do?


Apr 29, 2016
My chicks were fine when I changed their water and food ...but when my granddaughter went to check on then in the afternoon, she found one at deaths door :( she and her mother drought it in to my. I immediately started to give water via a syringe, and started eggs to boiling. The water seen to perk her up after a while, and yolk mush brought her back with in 2 or 3 hours she started peeping and more active. ..but not a lot she is having trouble standing. I was looking at her legs one of her legs the joint is swollen. She is about 4 weeks + she is moving a little bit but what I ma wondering is what do I do ? Should I make a little splint? Or leave it a lone?
Please help!
Thank you!
Don't splint it as the little bones are growing so fast they will grow together how ever you've put it and then she'll be crippled for sure. Keep her separate from the others and with one other baby that isn't aggresive so she won't be lonely. Another chick has stepped on her leg and sprained it perhaps. Give it some time for the swelling to go down and see if she doesn't get better. Just protect her from the other chickens during her healing time. Good luck. :)

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