Hurt leg?


7 Years
Mar 1, 2012
Alberta, Canada
*Pics added in post 3*

I'm not sure if it's splayed or not. My chicks are 3 weeks old, but I got them as 2 week olds. I just noticed yesterday the smallest one has one leg that turns outward. She gets around okay, and goes to feed and water no problem and is bright and alert. I read the splayed leg threads and put a band aid on her yesterday when I noticed it. I picked her up and dangling it does splay outwards, not a huge amount but it's noticable. I read that splayed legs only happen in chicks that are less than a week old? I hope it's not something more serious. I don't want her to die, she's so sweet!

They are in a dog kennel with pine shavings. They do kick the shavings around but I add more several times/week and it's over an inch thick. Should I add more though in case she is getting through to the bottom and slipping? I have the band aid on her now but she is still getting around ok even with it on, is it too loose?
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With splayed leg the chick cannot walk as it leg is out of its socket and the band aid thing is to hold the legs in place til the ligaments get strong enough to hold it in place. If it is walking around ok it could be a leg deformity. Pics would help. :)
Thank you, okay so it's not a splayed leg then because she does walk around. She just has a limp :( She ended up getting the band aid off, but I'm guessing it wasn't doing her any good anyhow. Here are 2 photos I took this morning. When in the air the air it sticks out straight sideways, but when her weight is on it it doesn't stick as far out? The hock (?? I'm thinking in horse terms here) seems slightly swollen? She is the smallest chick so I wonder if the others got rough with her and she injured herself.

I really hope she will be okay, I'd like to do something for her if I can. She is very sweet and tame.

Thank you! Should I go through my vet or will our local farm supply store have some I can use on chickens? I'm running into town this afternoon and can pick some up.
I'm not sure I'm afraid as I'm UK. Over here I have to get antibiotics from the vet, not sure if the same in Canada. Ask at your farm store I guess, if they don't have it then its the vet. I get given Baytril for small animals. :)
Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it! I will talk to my feed store this afternoon, and then run into my vet clinic if I can't get any there. I hope it helps her!

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