I’m so worried.... what do I do???


6 Years
Jun 16, 2017
Tempe, AZ
So roughly 3 months ago our family added a pekin duck to our small flock so that our mallard hen had another duck since her sister passed away. We found out a few weeks later that this pekin was a drake. My parents were worried about ducklings but I assured them that that would only happen if Billy, our mallard, were to collect a bunch of eggs together which wouldn’t happen since we pick them up everyday. So I didn’t think there was much to worry about... until now. Sunni, the pekin drake, is only about 4 months old but that means in a couple months he will become fully mature and be ready to mate... after watching him grow up and realizing how big pekin ducks actually are, now I’m terrified. Billy is our only other duck in the flock and Sunni is 3x her size. He could seriously damage her if he mates with her! And not only that, he’ll probably do it a lot which can make he sick or worse... thinking about it is starting to really terrify me. I don’t know what to do.

And before anyone tells me this is what I should do, no, I am NOT getting rid of either of them. They are huge parts of my life, they are pretty much service/therapy pets for me at this point. If I had to get rid of either of them I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I’ve already lost one duck and I can’t do it again... some people on a Facebook group I am for duck owners in my state said to get another hen (probably another pekin) so that Billy isn’t destroyed. But my parents would never let me get another duck. They hate owning chickens so much already, it’s too much work and we’re just not cut out for it. They would NEVER allow another bird. I’m so torn... I don’t know what to do. Is there any advice anyone can give me?
I don't think it's a good idea to keep them together. Your hen is going to get hurt. Do they always free range? The ideas that come to mind are penning them up separately, seeing if a vet will capon the Drake, or removing him for the welfare of your animals. The Drake may also try to make with your chicken hens and damage them as well due to the difference in anatomy. Sometimes we have to think of the safety of our pets over what we want. (I suffer from anxiety and depression and know personally what it is to bond with and then lose an animal, so I don't say that lightly).
@Raenh sams here! Nobody gets why I’m so attached to the ducks but I always tell them it’s no different from loving a dog or a cat! They just think we’re weird because it’s not a common thing to have as pets. But ducks are so social and can be extremely affectionate. The only bad thing about ducks is that they poop too much!
Muscovy females are usually around 4-6 lbs Muscovy drakes anywhere from 10lbs up. I have never seen any problems from my Scovy drake mating with his scovy females they are very compatible even with size difference. In a pool is always much better though water helps the females.

I wouldn't worry so much about Sunny and Billy mating I think she could handle him but he is going to be very hormonal and will want to mate a lot which will wear her down that is why maybe you could try and rehome your chickens since your parents aren't too keen on having them anyway? and then get a few more females ducks for Sunny boy?
I don't even think of that as being a bad thing, my one sister said to my mom - she treats them like they're children or something. I do because essentially they are. They get into everything and try to put it in their mouths, they poo a lot, they come running/flying into your arms when they get hurt or scared, they come to your defense even though they're smaller, they come looking for you while you're in the bathroom, and they like to cuddle and take up the bed, and they expect you to take care of and protect them.
... lol yeah, i treat them like kids and they are spoiled - more than my cats ever were.
I also believe they will be ok, but maybe giving Billy a spot where only she can fit, and teaching her its a safe spot? Like a box with a hole that she can go in and out of, but the pekin can't fit thru? Might take some work, but you seem to be looking for off the wall ideas, so that's mine. :D
@enoryz we don’t have a kiddie pool but a few smaller tubs that we spread around the yard. Not deep enough to swim in though. Just deep enough for them to stand in and bathe in

@Feather Hearts thank you for the response! I’m really glad someone else truly understands how I feel. I suffer from major depression and anxiety and the ducks (even the chickens) help me SO much with it. Just sitting out there with them makes me feel better and my ducks are like my therapy pets. They make me so happy! But I’ll definitely keep an eye on both of them. If I see Billy becoming unhealthy because sunni is being too rough on her then I’ll separate them and make sure Billy gets everything she needs to be ok
A pond would definitely help ease the stress of mating. I understand having limit space, a kiddie pool would take up too much room for us so we found a 40 Gallon stock tank for our two girls (who mount each other). It takes up much less space than a kiddie pool (about half the size) and is deep enough for them to “mate” and dive around.


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It really isn’t a good idea to have one duck to one drake. He will overmate her and can kill her-and he will certainly try to mate the chickens. Is there a cheap way to partition off the ducks from chickens? Building a run for inside the pen of chickens for the ducks can be inexpensive.
Or you could ask someone to keep your ducks with their ducks until you have something figured out.
Sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to care for our animals. If it is best for the chickens, you could consider selling either ducks or chickens-or allowing some one else to keep them for a while (neighbor, friend,etc) and you could see them every once in a while.
I hope everything works out and that you find a way to keep all your animals!
I really appreciate all the responses I’ve gotten for this. I’ll most likely just keep an eye on them at the beginning and if I notice sunni getting too crazy then I will separate them. I’ll make sure Billy is not harmed by him, even if he has to stay away from her for months. I love sunni but he’ll have to learn some manners!

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