I’m thinking of getting a pet chick quail!


Sep 2, 2023
I’m thinking of getting a quail but I’m not sure which breed to go for,
I have a breeder who is willing to get me just one baby quail who will live in my house (I’ve already got the set up of straw chick crumb and food for when it’s older)
I just need some help on what to feed it?
How to look after it?
Because playing the mother role for this quail will be a bit tricky I would appreciate a easy step by step how to look after a chick!
Thank you!
You probably want to start here:

You want more than one quail since they are social and don't do well by themselves. If you're looking at an indoor pet, I would look at getting a pair of King quail, which are also known and Chinese painted quail or button quail.

They will need game bird starter as chicks and switch over to a game bird maintenance or layer feed when they become adults. Chicken feed will not give them the nutrition they need.
If you work from home I believe a single quail would be fine if you socialized with it most of the he day, but otherwise I would recommend more than one.
I highly suggest Coturnix quail if you are looking for a pet quail. They tend to tolerate handling a lot better than other breeds. You should do more research on them if you plan to get one, though.

Nabiki has already answered all your other questions as well as I can.

Another thing i wish I knew when I started is how much they poop! If you have a house quail you'd have to clean up after it. Quail don't enjoy wearing nappies, and I learnt that the hard way.

Good luck with your quail! Are you planning on hatching them yourself or buying babies? Or are you buying an adult?
I've kept quail inside for short periods when they've needed extra care. I've had some success with bird diapers sized for ducklings, but they definitely aren't excited about wearing them.

Would agree with the others - it's not impossible to keep a single pet quail, but they're very social and mine would call for their covey for days when we needed to separate them.
I have had mountain quail in my house (Yes, more than one as they are very social). My male mountain actually used to sing to me - we had quite the conversations! He was SUCH a delight! A friend also had a single hatch quail that lived 5 years as a house pet, complete with "friends" (dogs, cats) that he would snuggle with. He had complete freedom of the house. I haven't figured out how all of his animals get along so well.

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