I am a failure at chicken coops....

My husband was trying to keep up with my chicken habit when we moved here so everything was temporary and he never got the time to get permenent things built, so I've been tossing out all the ones that had deteriorated the past 16 months. Now I'm trying to piece together anything I can. Some of what he did at this house I was like HUH?? But at the last one they were awesome.

Trust me my husband was better at assisting brain surgery that some of the thigs he did. I'd just walk off from some of his project and shake my head thinking "WHY?"
My husband builds homes for a living. If I buy or acquire in any way fashion or form, a coop, he will tell me, "That's not built right! I can build you a better one!"

So when is that?

You're so lucky that you can get a coop without waiting for him to build it!
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I recently completed my first coop. I am not a builder, I had to accept that fact, but I am stubborn so I just keep at it till I get something figured out. I used a chicken coop idea from a couple of web sites. I used primarily wooden pallets some wood from a privacy fence we had and a ton of deck screws,a drill, a skill saw,a circular saw, a measuring tape and a pencil. My coop is 4feet by 6 feet and is about 18 inches off the ground. I feel pretty good about my finished product.My chickens seem to like their new home, they must feel secure since they never missed a day laying eggs once i moved them.It's warm, dry, sturdy and it isn't going anywhere. I have to say that screws pull everything together nice and tight, nails don't.
I think the secret here is to grab his favorite power tool and a nail filled 2x4 and say "Honey can you show me how to turn this thing-a-ma-jig on? I am going to start the frame for the new coop"
I think the secret here is to grab his favorite power tool and a nail filled 2x4 and say "Honey can you show me how to turn this thing-a-ma-jig on? I am going to start the frame for the new coop"


I'm getting a hammer.....
I think the secret here is to grab his favorite power tool and a nail filled 2x4 and say "Honey can you show me how to turn this thing-a-ma-jig on? I am going to start the frame for the new coop"

LOL I used to use that one. Funny, I don't remember trying to fool him into anything unless it was chickens. Like coming up with so many egg swaps and hoping I could sell some of mine to pay for what I was ordering. hehe
I tried that and it wasn't working for me at all. He gave me the whole, " I want you to feel good about your accomplishment by not helping you." Translation : " I didn't want chickens in the first place, why should I help." Yeah he's supportive like that. My son and grand daughter did come over to lend a hand and that was really great.
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There is something to be said for knowing how to do something on your own - not necessarily by yourself, but knowing the processes and procedures. Does that make sense? I really do appreciate it when my hubby offers to do something for me, but I much prefer that he just help. Not just because I enjoy working with him, but also because I don't want to be reliant on him being where I need him, when I need him. The same goes for him, too! He knows how to cook and can (still working on "cleaning"
) and I know how to use a chainsaw, split wood (still working on that:/), change a tire, etc. We both manage the finances. While it would not be pleasant for one of us to be temporarily unavailable (like when he had a family situation that kept him away for nearly 2 weeks), either one of us would manage alone. Too often, when a spouse is not available (temporarily or permanent) it's then that the other spouse realizes just how many things they had relied on the other to do; how many things they don't know how to do for themselves. In times of unpleasantness (or upheaval or grief), there is no need for the added distress of realizing you can't start up the tiller or that he can't cook the foods that comfort him best. For that nearly 2 weeks, the only thing that I had real trouble with were the jar lids that he put on too tight
Go figure!

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