I am so heartbroken :(


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2015
Went to lock my chicken door up and realized two hens were missing. One of them being my favorite chicken I've ever had. I've had some losses before but this bird was special. She ran to me and hopped on my lap, I put her to sleep in my arms all the time. She loved me. My other chickens really only love me when I have food but this one loved me always. I am praying to god that she is just in a secret place but I fear the worst. Our dog who guards the chickens was up the road at the neighbors doing who knows what. Something could have wiped out the 22 others I have and I wouldn't have near as much heartbreak as I do now. I was outside looking for an hour and a half desperately searching.... :( Sorry for the depressing post but no one understands like you guys will and I just needed to let my feelings out. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Im sooo sorry.
It's amazing how attached we get to these animals.
Noboby realizes the bond we have. I hope you find your hen.
If you did not see any blood, or signs of predator near coop then you cannot give up hope. She is probably hiding in a really good spot until morning. Chin up!! Think positive.
I understand you..
The little chicken in my avatar went missing one day without a trace. I searched for her all afternoon and evening. The circumstance of her disappearance;; One afternoon a batch of children came and wanted to play with the chickens. They were less than behaved and were chasing the chickens LIKE MAD. I got ticked off and dispersed the crowd. When time to tuck the girls into coop. Gorbie was nowhere to be found. I was #$%^&&^%$#.
Never showed up...............
But on a positive note.. I had one chicken disappear on me for 2 weeks. After 2 week, she returned. I have NO IDEA WHERE SHE WENT OR STAYED.. I live in urban area. It was early spring, and still cold and no Idea what she would be eating. It was the Golden Seabrite in my pictures. She went to the other side due to age a few years ago. she was about 8. and her partner in crime the Silver Seabrite live to be 13.

You may be pleasantly surprised and find your girl in the morning all hungry and happy to see you.

I had a Barred Rock that was out with the others free ranging, like they do everyday, and she just never came back. :( Never found a feather. The worst part was not knowing when to give up looking.

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