I bring you AMY!

6 More Days!!! :barnie:celebrate:ya:hit:yesss::wee:love:he:celebrate:th
So many emotions all of which I feel and maybe more! This waiting is killing me! I'm always checking their FB page for Updates! As soon as I wake up I check their page, my cell phone and email for updates on my puppy!

The count down begins!! :woot
52 Days Old!

52 Days Old (10).jpg
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I'm going to take so many pictures my SD card will be filled!
post lots of picture when you bring her home!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I am super excited! My 2 year old is currently sleeping and will be up all night.. So I won't be getting any sleep! I have to leave by 4 AM to get to their house by 8 AM. Turns out they are 3 hours away and an hour ahead of me! Today is passing so slow! I woke up at 7 AM thinking I over slept and that it was the pick up day. So started rushing out the door and hear my husband say, "it's only Wednesday!"

Are you getting super egg-cited yet? Are you going to sleep tonight? :lol:

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