I candled my pekin duck eggs, are they fertile?

10 fertile eggs!!!!!! ^_^ yay!!!!!
keep us updated and congrats!!!
I am brand new, both here and to ducks, so my knowledge is more limited than yours, but I do have a question for you. Are you cleaning that egg with water? I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing to do if you're intending incubation, because it washes off a coating that is vital to the egg's development. In fac, even wiping it off might do harm.
Hatch day is a few days after Xmas, maybe even sooner :)

And I wipe them off carefully with a paper towel.

Also.... I was really worried today when my hubby called and said power went out at some point while we were at work. Based on the blinking clocks, he estimated it was 5hrs of no power!!!!! I Was so nervous that the duckies would get cold and die :'( power went on automatically on the incubator whenever it did come back and the temp was normal.
but it does worry me.... will they be ok?? :/

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