I cant believe its been a year!!

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He is so adorable, very sweet face.

Yesterday was my son Andrew's 18th b'day Hard to believe that 18 years ago today I was in the hospital with my baby boy Andrew.
Thanks, y'all.
Check out the neck...



He is doing much better, sugar wise, but now he has developed jaundice and had to go under the lights...


He was zonked out, with his cool shades on.
He is so so so cute!!!!! We got our 3d/4d ultrasound today it was amazing over 50 pictures lots of little videos!! she kept putting her hand in her face but we go some good shots of her face when she gave us a chance!! It was awesome!
he is beautiful Robin! Congrats, I hope he gets to come home soon, and you are some kind of woman getting that big boy out lol I think I might have died lol Congrats again!
very cute little man......my son was a 35 weeker and had to stay under the lights for 4 days and then came home with a bili blanket....hope you don't need one of those......he was plugged into a wall for a week. sure is hard leaving them at the hospital, hope he comes home soon.
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