I cant believe its been a year!!

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if they do, can you go elsewhere next time?

good luck

It was pointless to go today...but they didn't upset me. I'm going to try to switch from the health department to an actual OB office...
I usually have to go to the lab after the regular appointment. I would bring something to do for an hour.

Shadowhills Farm
I would make the change asap because sometimes reg. OB won't take new patients after the first trimester. in case there are complications that could have been identified early and they will get blamed for it.
Saw an ad in the paper saying now accepting OB patients, but I'm not sure if I should switch now with 8 weeks left or just get through the crappy prenatal appointments like Ive been doing all this time...
I always charge up my iphone before the glucose test and play games while I wait. i am so cool.

second beta testing is tomorrow and then i schedule the sono for next week on wed morning. yay.
So I thought my water broke yesterday but they said it didnt and if I keep leaking come back b/c sometimes thier test are wrong... Well I was having contractions 3mins apart but they weren't "painful" enough so they sent me home, I have been contraction now for almost 24hrs, needless to say I'm exsausted, I'm hoping and praying these contractions either let up or get "painful" enough to do something... I'm so ready.
Hollydear, it's about 11 here, so I am sure you are just at the point where you are getting seriously uncomfortable- here's to hoping you have a baby in your arms when I wake up tomorrow morning!

I have that first trimester scan tomorrow- the one where they test for heart/Downs in one fell swoop- this is for baby health ONLY, I will not judge another mama's life choices, but I am taking whatever comes. If this baby has Down's or a heart issue I want the docs to be ready when it is born to help it right away.

I am so fortunate to have the doctors that i have. They have been such lighthouses of hope in this rough sea journey.

Goodnight all you mamas,...

If you haven't gone to the doc by now and stayed. I think you should go soon and insist that they retest you for the membrane rupture. In the mean time, Take the necessary precautions like no baths, and nothing inside you. (I don't want to be too specific for this thread but you know what I mean) I am sure your doc told you this but just in case he didn't. Good luck and post pictures soon.

I have a question
Does everyone get that brown line down the center from the belly button? I have always had it but this time I don't.
I don't have a line.

Glucose tolerance test for me today too, except I just have to go and get my blood taken in an hour, was given a list of foods I had to eat 5 things from an hour ago for breakfast. I don't normally eat breakfast so I feel sick
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