I cant believe its been a year!!

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bay legs are awesome! they are like little leg warmers that come in cool prints so baby can wear a onesie and not get cold legs.They can also be used on arms.My friend in OK has a 7yr old who uses them on cool mornings on her arms so she can still wear short sleeves.Love them!!!

I got to hear my bean's heart beat this morning.I have a medical grade fetal doppler and I found it beating away, in the 140's. What a lovely little sound to hear!
Me, too. I wonder why that is. I was fine with my first 2 pregnancies, the 3rd I started taking iron supplements at 16 weeks, this one I had to start taking supplements at 7 weeks because I was so lethargic.
I only get to hear my baby when I see a midwife, but it's so lovely to hear it
What a little cutie - look at those baby feet!

I love your sling! I did the same thing, except I went one step further into hillbilly-hood and used an old flat sheet.

I went a little sling crazy with my last baby so I have ring slings, asian baby carriers, wrap slings, a baby bijorn-type one, pouch sling, swimming sling, backpack carrier and I don't know what else. I joined a Sew Your Own Sling yahoo group when I was pregnant with her and got tons of free patterns I just had to try.
Me, too. I wonder why that is. I was fine with my first 2 pregnancies, the 3rd I started taking iron supplements at 16 weeks, this one I had to start taking supplements at 7 weeks because I was so lethargic.

I started a higher dose of iron at 7 weeks bc the feeling like I got hit by a bus tiredness so at my appt on wed they did a ton of blood work and discussed me having to get a weekly iron infusion via IV at the hospital.Yikes.
Oh guys, wow, I am into the realm of high risk.

I am scared to death.
I have had 4 losses- 6 wks, 9 wks, 16 wks, 34 weeks.

Turns out I have anticardiolipin antibodies.... can cause blood clots between the placenta and uterus. I'm giving my self shots with blood thinners... $400 a month and they STING like a wasp.
Twice a day, stick myself with funny little syringes. Owiwie.

I love this lil babe so much, I'd stick myself ten times a day if it means he/she comes out healthy....

Every visit getting to hear a heartbeat is the best gift in the world...

Sweet dreams to all of you, and momto5boysonegirl, BEAUTIFUL pics...
wishing you good luck with this one, and so sorry to hear about your other babies
My computer crashed last week then tonight it just started up. Weird
I sure missed you guys
Love the pictures
I want another African type sling they are so good for the baby I will just have to be more careful about not letting his neck get too scrunched up
I am 33 weeks now and starting to stress some too I am not ready either
ebwy We get free stuff here sometimes from the hospital and sometimes from manufactures with a free sample. The biggest proplem is that when we sign up for things we either get a ton of junk mail or spammed to death on our emails. I think for many of us the best way to get freebies is to network with others like we do on here.

Who is next on deck for the month of June?
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