I Can't Eat My Hens Eggs!!!

I felt weird eating my chickens first eggs, so I know where you're coming from. Now its no problem though, they taste great- and I know they come from happy chickens!
My youngest son is that way. He didn't want to eat the chicken's eggs once he actually saw where they come from lol. He is getting over it now. He does eat them in baked goods and stuff and hasn't said anything yet.
A lot of times I have had an upset stomach after eating scrambled store bought eggs.

I had the same problem, so I never ate eggs. I don't have any stomach issues eating my girls eggs.

My neighbor won't eat my fresh eggs, she gets "weirded out" that they come out of a chickens butt. (her words not mine) I told her eggs from the grocery store still comes out of a chickens butt.

If the taste difference alone won't convince you (and believe me, there's a HUGE difference in taste, texture, smell, etc) then google "battery hens" and see where store bought eggs come from.

You'll be eating them in no time!
I had no problem with fresh eggs from my own chickens, I was so surprised at the color of the yolk and the color of my first batch of scrambled eggs, they were orange and not yellow!! WOW and the taste was so much better, I had to buy store bought when my hens stopped laying and I hated every egg I had to eat. I'll always have chickens now, till the day I die!!!
A lot of times I have had an upset stomach after eating scrambled store bought eggs. And when I boil them the house stinks.

But not our hens' eggs!!!

You know, I never realized it before, but you are absolutely right about them not smelling when you boil the fresh ones!!

My 15 yo daughter hates eggs. She will, however only eat our eggs if they are cooked in something, or mixed with something else, like a scramble. She won't touch storebought eggs. She has some germ issues and OCD, and even though she thinks the chickens are nasty, she knows the eggs are fresh and have no additives and aren't bleached, so she appreciates that. Just don't ask her to touch a chicken! It's really funny when she shows them!

I look at it like the eggs are a gift from my chickens for taking good care of them. I get to love them like pets AND they feed me, what could be better than that? They work hard to give me those eggs, and I thank them for it. Plus they are absolutely delicious. If your chickens could talk, they would tell you to eat those eggs and then they'd strut around bragging about how good they taste!

Another reason I will never buy a store bought egg again (aside from the fact they're tasteless) is the abuse battery hens must suffer. I feel like I'm advocating that if I bought store eggs. If I run low this winter, I'll buy fresh eggs from local individuals with well cared for chickens. Just a few days ago, the Humane Society released an under-cover video showing "horrifying animal abuse" (their words) at one of the largest egg producers here in Texas. I didn't have the heart to watch it so I don't know the name of the company, but I'm sure others have heard about it. I will not buy eggs to help hens be abused. But please don't think I'm saying people that buy store eggs are bad. Not at all. It's just my personal choice and I'm really glad I do have a choice, thanks to my chickens.

edited - because apparently I can't spell right and type at the same time
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I was the same way about "home grown eggs" like they weren't inferior because they weren't from a store. Then I just bit the bullet and cooked them. If it makes you feel better, you can scrub the eggs sparkly clean just before you crack into them so they'll look more like store-bought. You can do it!!
I know exactly how you feel, I was the same way. For 2 loooong years. I could not get over the thought that I would crack an egg and out would come a dead baby chicken, or it would have a spot of something, or be spoiled, or whatever insane reason popped in my head. I really battled myself hard on it. I had no problem cooking them for my dh and teenage boys, I just could not make myself eat it. And I tried, soooo hard, to make myself. I just couldn't. I knew it was all "in my head" and that my chickens lived wonderful happy lives, there eggs were gathered 2x a day so they were obviously fresh, and that people would pay more for "fresh" farm eggs. No matter what I told myself, I just couldn't eat them. I resigned myself to just let it be what it is. Then one day out of the blue I was fixing my boys some eggs and for whatever reason I decided I would try one myself. I took my a few minutes of sitting at the table "looking" at my eggs before I could eat them. But OMG when I did try them, they were delicious. Now I refuse to eat store bought eggs!

My advice to you is this. Dont try to force yourself. The harder you try to force yourself, the harder your brain is gonna work to tell you it's "yucky" or whatever. Try slowly desensitising yourself, cook some in a cake, homemade bread, pancakes, cornbread, etc, something that egg is not the main ingredient so you don't actually see egg after its cooked or while your eating it. Baby steps. Hopefully it won't take you 2 years to get over like me.

I am now trying my hand at meat birds. I ordered them and was all pumped about raising my own food. Until the chicks came in.
When I went to pick up the chicks as soon as I saw them I got sick. I made it back to my car with the chicks before the knots in my stomach forced me to vomit. They are now four weeks old, and every day I feed, water and care for them. I see to all there needs, but I do not play or handle them. I am trying to slowly desensitise myself for that ineviatible day when I know they will die and become dinner. As an avid animal lover, this will be a truly horrific thing for me, but after seeing the Pam Anderson video of how those poor chickens are abused in the big hatcheries/barns/etc, I refuse to buy chicken from the store anymore.

My point in this long ramble is this. Some of us (myself included) were not raised on farms, and so some things seem "a little to strange/different/weird/etc" for out brains to handle all at once. Even when we know it is better for us. Just take baby steps and you will eventually get there!
When I got my chicks I expected I would enjoy their eggs. Then, when I'd had them a while, I didn't think I could, the idea of eating their eggs was kind of unsettling. Perhaps it was because I saw a youtube video of an egg being laid, it was gross, because it looked painful. Owning my chickens and treating them as the pets they are made it seem unacceptable to me too, and I'm not sure why. In fact I was disgusted by the thought, and this surprised me.

Then the first perfect Bantam egg came, and I decided to try to accept it as a gift, for all the work and money invested in my chickens, kind of a payback gift. It helped to keep it in the fridge for a week while I collected enough from her to scramble. Then, I focused on how perfect they were, and brightly colored etc. I cooked them and thoroughly enjoyed them! I even made a silly Powerpoint page to send my friends who, though chickenless, have enjoyed my having backyard chickens.

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