I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Raccoons are an invasive species in almost all of their current range. Removal of bigger predators and especially the proliferation of people.....
You can think the Arbor Society for much of the current raccoon invasion. There are supposedly still no raccoons living in the great basin. However if the butt into the natural world folks plant enough trees in places were they don't belong that may change. Human planted trees, irrigation, human built structures, and derelict farm equipment are mostly responsible for coons colonizing the prairie regions, especially the short grass areas.

As a side note, in Germany and central Russia raccoons are now living in the wild thanks to governments helping people. Remember the old "Hi, I'm from the government and I am here to help?
Now with the Chunnel in operation it is only a matter of time before raccoons reach Great Brittan. But that is OK because we have been dealing with starlings, house sparrows, and privet hedge for so long now, that the North American muskrat and gray squirrel are not enough vengeance by half.
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Hi! We have a huge population of coons around here.So I trap a lot of them.

Here are a few that I have caught in the past.There is a random oppusom. :p

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I am happy to see that you are putting such a huge dent in the coon population. They serve less than zero purpose in the city. They find a good source of food, the dumpster behind McDonald's etc, and they multiply beyond what a normal area would hold population wise. Then they start roaming in herds and really causing trouble. The worst part is that most of these animals have no fear of humans. I have had them come right up on my porch at night when I lived in town. They would come up looking for trash and what not. I could be out there smoking a cigarette and they would walk within 10 feet of me. I was also in a situation where I couldn't discharge a firearm. I eventually ended up spearing some of them. I got a big frog gig and put it on a heavy duty aluminum pole. I would pin them down and then hit them with a piece of rebar to finish the job. It would've been so much easier for everyone to just pop them with the .22 lr.

Now I have dogs that take care of them. I haven't see a coon, possum, fox, coyote or anything like that in quite some time.
I am happy to see that you are putting such a huge dent in the coon population. They serve less than zero purpose in the city. They find a good source of food, the dumpster behind McDonald's etc, and they multiply beyond what a normal area would hold population wise. Then they start roaming in herds and really causing trouble. The worst part is that most of these animals have no fear of humans. I have had them come right up on my porch at night when I lived in town. They would come up looking for trash and what not. I could be out there smoking a cigarette and they would walk within 10 feet of me. I was also in a situation where I couldn't discharge a firearm. I eventually ended up spearing some of them. I got a big frog gig and put it on a heavy duty aluminum pole. I would pin them down and then hit them with a piece of rebar to finish the job. It would've been so much easier for everyone to just pop them with the .22 lr.

Now I have dogs that take care of them. I haven't see a coon, possum, fox, coyote or anything like that in quite some time.
Yeah they are just a nuisance. Yes, they don't have much fear. I have been trapping for a while now an d each year I have gotten more and more.I wish I had a dog :/
Yeah they are just a nuisance. Yes, they don't have much fear. I have been trapping for a while now an d each year I have gotten more and more.I wish I had a dog :/
I think everyone who wants to put a dent on the coon population wishes they had a dog. Myself included

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