I dropped my chick ‍♀️

Hi guys,

This must of happened to other chicken owners... (I hope)

I recently hatched a Serama Chick. As I'm sure most of you already know, they're tiny!!

Anyways...... Because she was the only one that hatched out of 12. We've been giving her LOADS of attention. She literally doesn't stop chirping, we are working on buying a chick the same age as her so she won't be lonely as well.

I noticed she had pasty butt and on my way to the bathroom to clean her up, she jumped out of my hand and I couldn't catch her, she fell kind of on her side and was a little wobbly but she seems to be walking fine now.

I feel so bad, she really is the tiniest. How will I be able to tell if she's hurt? Please, please, please let me know xx
I have taken on raising serama chicks this year. What a challenge! I've had a couple of hatches that had a single chick...that was exhausting bcuz..yes...they cried the whole time! One chick cried so bad I basically had to sit with my hand in the brooder. I've noticed that pasty butt is really common eith these chicks. They are very active and quick! When I need to treat pasty butt..i now put a bowl of warm water next to the brooder and use a syringe with a pointed end to run a stream of water over the obstruction. I hold the chick sideways..that way..it minimizes getting them to wet. I also add a bit of parakeet grit to thier food and few drops of braggs apple cider vinigar to the water...to much heat...or to many treats is usually the culprit. I use jerrys recipe 4 the serama chicks when they 1st hatch plus feed live mealworms...if they get to many mealworms they get pasty butt. I've come to the conclusion that monitoring heat, feeding chick starter and a bit of apple cider vinegar in the water works best to keep it under control. Also..to low a temp will cause pasty butt..so i try to keep it 95 for the 1st few days..then drop it to 90..every few days I keep dropping brooder them until they r at room temp.by 2 weeks Ithen i don't use heat anymore. Once I put them outside I only use the heat lamp if it will drop below 70 at night until they are well feathered.
I've had some game hens lay their eggs and sit super high up, so the chicks must have eventually jumped because they always get down and are fine. They are way tougher than they look!
Glad to see this. My chicks came in yesterday. I was picking up separately for a bit of attention and to check them out and one tiny one jumped. Landed in a waste basket that had pine shavings in it that had landed on the floor instead of the box when I was filling it. She seemed fine just a bit startled for a min.

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