I found him hanging....pics

Poor hangin' dude!!! He's not the first bird that got himself hanged up and slinged up around here!
you could also get a bottle of Niacin from Walmart and give him a pill every other day to help the tendon heal......or a 1/2 pill daily. We had a call duck pull its leg when the leg band got caught on something. He couldn't walk anymore and the Niacin really helped. Rest and healing should do the trick.
Well, he's still "hanging around!" He does not seem to be improving as quickly as I hoped though...just read the thing about the Niacin and I might try that. I took him down for a little while and he ended up laying with both legs straight out in front. Now he is back up in his shirt but seems to be getting conjested or something. I hate to drug him with antibiotics too! His eyes have some crud coming out of them in the morning and he makes a kind of wheezing sound too...think I should do the antibiotics? I wouold probably go with Tylan 50.
Also one of his feet seems to be turning under. Like rotating to the inside. Terri O
are you doing therapy on him, also might do a soak in warm water with epsom salt and move his legs while in it. Sorry he's now conjested, better wait on the water.
The congestion sounds like it may be the beginning of pneumonia. People patients in the hospital bed ridden for extended time tend to get pneumonia due to lack of movement and exercise. Nurses have them blow into a device to exercise the lungs. Any body else think this may be happening to this roo? I hope that is not the case here. Good luck!
I really like that contraption you designed for your bird. Unfortunately, he probably fractured his spine while struggling and is now paralyzed. The congestion is probably pneumonia due to compression and inactivity. Most fowl do not do well in this situation. Supportive therapy such as fluids, food, and antibiotics my help him. Good luck with him.
Terri O - Just read the thread and I am praying for a miracle for you and your Roo - you above anyone else deserves good fortune for the dedication you are giving to your Roo - my chickens have asked if they can come to stay with you for a holiday - they all want beer though....!!!

Well I hope it's not a broken back or pneumonia...that would be bad for sure! Does anyone think I should start Tylan with him? Maybe PenG injections? Isnt that what you use for pneumonia? I think I will let him down again for the night if he's not already sleeping. Man, I just hate having animals that arent well! Terri O

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