I got a GREAT deal on Sweet PDZ!


8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Small Town U.S.A., Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
I went to TSC yesterday, and they only had one bag left. It was ripped, but still full. I got 25lbs. for $3.00. Woo Hoo!
Yes, TSC knocks down just about everything. I work at one and get the best deals because I'm there to grab them first. Scratch and dent or rip or tear... talk to the manager and you can get some great deals. I once missed out on the best deal... 330ft roll of goat fencing... normally about $270... sold for $19.99 each... why? They were from last year.

Lesson: never hesitate to open your mouth and find out what the price of something is. TSC really marks things down drastically when they need it gone. I sold a lawnmower ramp to a couple who wanted a price check done because the price wasn't on it... $0.99!!! Of course they took it.

But shhhhhh don't tell them I told you that it is as easy as asking... lol
Timing is everything. Unfortunately I'm frustrated with the store here - quality of feed is marginal, when/if I find someone to ask more often than not they don't know (what I'm talking about, what it is, when the next truck runs etc).

I *need* show and production level rabbit feed - when I rely on TSC it's not there. On any brand and the workers now have no idea what I'm talking about. Have gotten gunshy relying on them for feed as I get everyone switched over then...no feed! Twice now. Have 18 bunnies in the nest box and only pet food (not what they need) to feed them. Starter/grower for chicks the same as is layer pellets...hard to get layer pellets at all the last month or so. Have asked and they don't know what day the truck comes...find that hard to believe that it comes just whenever it comes. And if that's the case then TSC is no longer reliable as a feed source.

Had issues for a while with quality of feed - baseball sized spots of clumped/moldy feed then the next bag moldy too. Yes management knew, as did the regional mgr. It doesn't really matter...replace the bag works but what about the dead animals or animals that don't get fed because of the poor feed? Need quality and reliable...and not finding it enough.

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